
RIKEN DNA Bank Human Resource - R

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Gene Symbol Product Name Synonyms
R3HCC1 R3H domain and coiled-coil containing 1 -
R3HCC1L R3H domain and coiled-coil containing 1 like C10orf28|GIDRP86|GIDRP88|PSORT
R3HDM1 R3H domain containing 1 R3HDM
R3HDM2 R3H domain containing 2 CAG6|PR01365
R3HDM4 R3H domain containing 4 C19orf22
RAB10 RAB10, member RAS oncogene family -
RAB11A RAB11A, member RAS oncogene family YL8
RAB11B RAB11B, member RAS oncogene family H-YPT3
RAB11FIP1 RAB11 family interacting protein 1 NOEL1A|RCP|rab11-FIP1
RAB11FIP3 RAB11 family interacting protein 3 CART1|Rab11-FIP3
RAB11FIP4 RAB11 family interacting protein 4 FIP4-Rab11|RAB11-FIP4
RAB11FIP5 RAB11 family interacting protein 5 GAF1|RIP11|pp75
RAB12 RAB12, member RAS oncogene family -
RAB13 RAB13, member RAS oncogene family GIG4
RAB14 RAB14, member RAS oncogene family FBP|RAB-14
RAB15 RAB15, member RAS oncogene family -
RAB17 RAB17, member RAS oncogene family -
RAB18 RAB18, member RAS oncogene family RAB18LI1|WARBM3
RAB1A RAB1A, member RAS oncogene family RAB1|YPT1
RAB1B RAB1B, member RAS oncogene family -
RAB20 RAB20, member RAS oncogene family -
RAB21 RAB21, member RAS oncogene family -
RAB22A RAB22A, member RAS oncogene family -
RAB23 RAB23, member RAS oncogene family HSPC137
RAB24 RAB24, member RAS oncogene family -
RAB25 RAB25, member RAS oncogene family CATX-8|RAB11C
RAB26 RAB26, member RAS oncogene family V46133
RAB27A RAB27A, member RAS oncogene family GS2|HsT18676|RAB27|RAM
RAB27B RAB27B, member RAS oncogene family C25KG
RAB28 RAB28, member RAS oncogene family CORD18
RAB29 RAB29, member RAS oncogene family RAB7L|RAB7L1
RAB2A RAB2A, member RAS oncogene family LHX|RAB2
RAB2B RAB2B, member RAS oncogene family -
RAB30 RAB30, member RAS oncogene family -
RAB31 RAB31, member RAS oncogene family Rab22B
RAB32 RAB32, member RAS oncogene family -
RAB33A RAB33A, member RAS oncogene family RabS10
RAB33B RAB33B, member RAS oncogene family SMC2
RAB34 RAB34, member RAS oncogene family NARR|RAB39|RAH
RAB35 RAB35, member RAS oncogene family H-ray|RAB1C|RAY
RAB37 RAB37, member RAS oncogene family -
RAB38 RAB38, member RAS oncogene family NY-MEL-1|rrGTPbp
RAB39A RAB39A, member RAS oncogene family RAB39
RAB39B RAB39B, member RAS oncogene family BGMR|MRX72|WSMN|WSN
RAB3A RAB3A, member RAS oncogene family -
RAB3B RAB3B, member RAS oncogene family -
RAB3C RAB3C, member RAS oncogene family -
RAB3D RAB3D, member RAS oncogene family D2-2|GOV|RAB16|RAD3D
RAB3GAP1 RAB3 GTPase activating protein catalytic subunit 1 P130|RAB3GAP|RAB3GAP130|WARBM1
RAB3IL1 RAB3A interacting protein like 1 GRAB
RAB3IP RAB3A interacting protein RABIN3|RABIN8
RAB40B RAB40B, member RAS oncogene family RAR|SEC4L
RAB40C RAB40C, member RAS oncogene family RARL|RASL8C
RAB42 RAB42, member RAS oncogene family -
RAB43 RAB43, member RAS oncogene family RAB11B|RAB41
RAB44 RAB44, member RAS oncogene family RASD3|RASL13|dJ431A14.3
RAB4A RAB4A, member RAS oncogene family HRES-1|HRES-1/RAB4|HRES1|RAB4
RAB4B RAB4B, member RAS oncogene family -
RAB5A RAB5A, member RAS oncogene family RAB5
RAB5B RAB5B, member RAS oncogene family -
RAB5C RAB5C, member RAS oncogene family L1880|RAB5CL|RAB5L|RABL
RAB6A RAB6A, member RAS oncogene family RAB6
RAB6B RAB6B, member RAS oncogene family -
RAB7A RAB7A, member RAS oncogene family PRO2706|RAB7
RAB7B RAB7B, member RAS oncogene family RAB7
RAB8A RAB8A, member RAS oncogene family MEL|RAB8
RAB8B RAB8B, member RAS oncogene family -
RAB9A RAB9A, member RAS oncogene family RAB9
RAB9B RAB9B, member RAS oncogene family RAB9L|Rab-9L
RABAC1 Rab acceptor 1 PRA1|PRAF1|YIP3
RABEP1 rabaptin, RAB GTPase binding effector protein 1 RAB5EP|RABPT5
RABEP2 rabaptin, RAB GTPase binding effector protein 2 FRA
RABEPK Rab9 effector protein with kelch motifs RAB9P40|bA65N13.1|p40
RABGAP1 RAB GTPase activating protein 1 GAPCENA|TBC1D11
RABGAP1L RAB GTPase activating protein 1 like HHL|TBC1D18
RABGEF1 RAB guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1 RABEX5|RAP1|rabex-5
RABGGTA Rab geranylgeranyltransferase alpha subunit PTAR3
RABGGTB Rab geranylgeranyltransferase beta subunit GGTB
RABIF RAB interacting factor MSS4|RASGFR3|RASGRF3
RABL2B RAB, member of RAS oncogene family like 2B -
RABL3 RAB, member of RAS oncogene family like 3 -
RABL6 RAB, member RAS oncogene family like 6 C9orf86|PARF|RBEL1|pp8875
RAC1 Rac family small GTPase 1 MIG5|Rac-1|TC-25|p21-Rac1
RAC2 Rac family small GTPase 2 EN-7|Gx|HSPC022|p21-Rac2
RAC3 Rac family small GTPase 3 -
RACGAP1 Rac GTPase activating protein 1 CYK4|HsCYK-4|ID-GAP|MgcRacGAP
RACK1 receptor for activated C kinase 1 GNB2L1|Gnb2-rs1|H12.3|HLC-7|PIG21
RAD1 RAD1 checkpoint DNA exonuclease HRAD1|REC1
RAD17 RAD17 checkpoint clamp loader component CCYC|HRAD17|R24L|RAD17SP|RAD24
RAD18 RAD18, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase RNF73
RAD21 RAD21 cohesin complex component CDLS4|HR21|HRAD21|MCD1|NXP1|SCC1|hHR21
RAD23A RAD23 homolog A, nucleotide excision repair protein HHR23A|HR23A
RAD23B RAD23 homolog B, nucleotide excision repair protein HHR23B|HR23B|P58
RAD50 RAD50 double strand break repair protein NBSLD|RAD502|hRad50
RAD51 RAD51 recombinase BRCC5|FANCR|HRAD51|HsRad51|HsT16930|MRMV2|RAD51A|RECA
RAD51AP1 RAD51 associated protein 1 PIR51
RAD51B RAD51 paralog B R51H2|RAD51L1|REC2
RAD51C RAD51 paralog C BROVCA3|FANCO|R51H3|RAD51L2
RAD51D RAD51 paralog D BROVCA4|R51H3|RAD51L3|TRAD
RAD52 RAD52 homolog, DNA repair protein -
RAD54B RAD54 homolog B (S. cerevisiae) RDH54
RAD54L RAD54 like HR54|RAD54A|hHR54|hRAD54
RAD9A RAD9 checkpoint clamp component A RAD9
RAE1 ribonucleic acid export 1 MIG14|MRNP41|Mnrp41|dJ481F12.3|dJ800J21.1
RAF1 Raf-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase CMD1NN|CRAF|NS5|Raf-1|c-Raf
RAG1 recombination activating 1 RAG-1|RNF74
RAG2 recombination activating 2 RAG-2
RAI1 retinoic acid induced 1 SMCR|SMS
RAI14 retinoic acid induced 14 NORPEG|RAI13
RAI2 retinoic acid induced 2 -
RALA RAS like proto-oncogene A RAL
RALB RAS like proto-oncogene B -
RALBP1 ralA binding protein 1 RIP1|RLIP1|RLIP76
RALGAPA1 Ral GTPase activating protein catalytic alpha subunit 1 GARNL1|GRIPE|RalGAPalpha1|TULIP1|p240
RALGAPA2 Ral GTPase activating protein catalytic alpha subunit 2 AS250|C20orf74|bA287B20.1|dJ1049G11|dJ1049G11.4|p220
RALGAPB Ral GTPase activating protein non-catalytic beta subunit KIAA1219|RalGAPbeta
RALGDS ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator RGDS|RGF|RalGEF
RALGPS1 Ral GEF with PH domain and SH3 binding motif 1 RALGEF2|RALGPS1A
RALGPS2 Ral GEF with PH domain and SH3 binding motif 2 dJ595C2.1
RALY RALY heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein HNRPCL2|P542
RALYL RALY RNA binding protein like HNRPCL3
RAMP1 receptor activity modifying protein 1 -
RAMP2 receptor activity modifying protein 2 -
RAMP3 receptor activity modifying protein 3 -
RAN RAN, member RAS oncogene family ARA24|Gsp1|TC4
RANBP1 RAN binding protein 1 HTF9A
RANBP3 RAN binding protein 3 -
RANBP3L RAN binding protein 3 like -
RANBP6 RAN binding protein 6 -
RANBP9 RAN binding protein 9 BPM-L|BPM90|RANBPM|RanBP7
RANGAP1 Ran GTPase activating protein 1 Fug1|RANGAP|SD
RANGRF RAN guanine nucleotide release factor HSPC165|HSPC236|MOG1|RANGNRF
RAP1A RAP1A, member of RAS oncogene family C21KG|G-22K|KREV-1|KREV1|RAP1|SMGP21
RAP1B RAP1B, member of RAS oncogene family K-REV|RAL1B
RAP1GAP2 RAP1 GTPase activating protein 2 GARNL4|RAP1GA3
RAP1GDS1 Rap1 GTPase-GDP dissociation stimulator 1 GDS1|SmgGDS
RAP2A RAP2A, member of RAS oncogene family K-REV|KREV|RAP2|RbBP-30
RAP2B RAP2B, member of RAS oncogene family -
RAP2C RAP2C, member of RAS oncogene family -
RAPGEF1 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1 C3G|GRF2
RAPGEF3 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 3 CAMP-GEFI|EPAC|EPAC1|HSU79275|bcm910
RAPGEF4 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 4 CAMP-GEFII|CGEF2|EPAC|EPAC 2|EPAC2|Nbla00496
RAPGEF5 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 5 GFR|MR-GEF|REPAC
RAPSN receptor associated protein of the synapse CMS11|CMS4C|FADS|RAPSYN|RNF205
RARA retinoic acid receptor alpha NR1B1|RAR
RARB retinoic acid receptor beta HAP|MCOPS12|NR1B2|RARbeta1|RRB2
RARG retinoic acid receptor gamma NR1B3|RARC
RARRES1 retinoic acid receptor responder 1 LXNL|PERG-1|TIG1
RARRES2 retinoic acid receptor responder 2 HP10433|TIG2
RARRES3 retinoic acid receptor responder 3 HRASLS4|HRSL4|PLA1/2-3|RIG1|TIG3
RARS arginyl-tRNA synthetase ArgRS|DALRD1|HLD9
RARS2 arginyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial ArgRS|DALRD2|PCH6|PRO1992|RARSL
RASA1 RAS p21 protein activator 1 CM-AVM|CMAVM|GAP|PKWS|RASA|RASGAP|p120|p120GAP|p120RASGAP
RASA2 RAS p21 protein activator 2 GAP1M
RASA3 RAS p21 protein activator 3 GAP1IP4BP|GAPIII
RASAL1 RAS protein activator like 1 RASAL
RASAL2 RAS protein activator like 2 NGAP
RASAL3 RAS protein activator like 3 -
RASD1 ras related dexamethasone induced 1 AGS1|DEXRAS1|MGC:26290
RASD2 RASD family member 2 MGC:4834|Rhes|TEM2
RASEF RAS and EF-hand domain containing RAB45
RASGEF1A RasGEF domain family member 1A CG4853
RASGEF1B RasGEF domain family member 1B GPIG4
RASGEF1C RasGEF domain family member 1C -
RASGRF1 Ras protein specific guanine nucleotide releasing factor 1 CDC25|CDC25L|GNRP|GRF1|GRF55|H-GRF55|PP13187|ras-GRF1
RASGRP2 RAS guanyl releasing protein 2 CALDAG-GEFI|CDC25L
RASGRP3 RAS guanyl releasing protein 3 GRP3
RASIP1 Ras interacting protein 1 RAIN
RASL10A RAS like family 10 member A RRP22
RASL10B RAS like family 10 member B RRP17|VTS58635
RASL11B RAS like family 11 member B -
RASL12 RAS like family 12 RIS
RASSF4 Ras association domain family member 4 AD037
RASSF5 Ras association domain family member 5 Maxp1|NORE1|NORE1A|NORE1B|RAPL|RASSF3
RASSF6 Ras association domain family member 6 -
RASSF7 Ras association domain family member 7 C11orf13|HRAS1|HRC1
RASSF8 Ras association domain family member 8 C12orf2|HOJ1
RASSF9 Ras association domain family member 9 P-CIP1|PAMCI|PCIP1
RAVER1 ribonucleoprotein, PTB binding 1 -
RAVER2 ribonucleoprotein, PTB binding 2 -
RAX retina and anterior neural fold homeobox MCOP3|RX
RAX2 retina and anterior neural fold homeobox 2 ARMD6|CORD11|QRX|RAXL1
RB1 RB transcriptional corepressor 1 OSRC|PPP1R130|RB|p105-Rb|pRb|pp110
RB1CC1 RB1 inducible coiled-coil 1 ATG17|CC1|FIP200|PPP1R131
RBAKDN RBAK downstream neighbor (non-protein coding) -
RBBP4 RB binding protein 4, chromatin remodeling factor NURF55|RBAP48|lin-53
RBBP5 RB binding protein 5, histone lysine methyltransferase complex subunit RBQ3|SWD1
RBBP6 RB binding protein 6, ubiquitin ligase MY038|P2P-R|PACT|RBQ-1|SNAMA
RBBP7 RB binding protein 7, chromatin remodeling factor RbAp46
RBBP8 RB binding protein 8, endonuclease COM1|CTIP|JWDS|RIM|SAE2|SCKL2
RBBP8NL RBBP8 N-terminal like C20orf151
RBBP9 RB binding protein 9, serine hydrolase BOG|RBBP10
RBCK1 RANBP2-type and C3HC4-type zinc finger containing 1 C20orf18|HOIL-1|HOIL1|PBMEI|PGBM1|RBCK2|RNF54|UBCE7IP3|XAP3|XAP4|ZRANB4
RBFA ribosome binding factor A C18orf22|HsT169
RBFOX2 RNA binding fox-1 homolog 2 FOX2|Fox-2|HNRBP2|HRNBP2|RBM9|RTA|dJ106I20.3|fxh
RBFOX3 RNA binding fox-1 homolog 3 FOX-3|FOX3|HRNBP3|NEUN
RBKS ribokinase RBSK|RK
RBL1 RB transcriptional corepressor like 1 CP107|PRB1|p107
RBL2 RB transcriptional corepressor like 2 P130|Rb2
RBM10 RNA binding motif protein 10 DXS8237E|GPATC9|GPATCH9|S1-1|TARPS|ZRANB5
RBM11 RNA binding motif protein 11 -
RBM12 RNA binding motif protein 12 HRIHFB2091|SCZD19|SWAN
RBM12B RNA binding motif protein 12B MGC:33837
RBM14 RNA binding motif protein 14 COAA|PSP2|SIP|SYTIP1|TMEM137
RBM15 RNA binding motif protein 15 OTT|OTT1|SPEN
RBM15-AS1 RBM15 antisense RNA 1 AS-RBM15
RBM15B RNA binding motif protein 15B HUMAGCGB|OTT3
RBM17 RNA binding motif protein 17 SPF45
RBM18 RNA binding motif protein 18 -
RBM19 RNA binding motif protein 19 Mrd1
RBM22 RNA binding motif protein 22 Cwc2|ZC3H16|fSAP47
RBM23 RNA binding motif protein 23 CAPERbeta|PP239|RNPC4
RBM24 RNA binding motif protein 24 RNPC6|dJ259A10.1
RBM25 RNA binding motif protein 25 NET52|RED120|RNPC7|S164|Snu71|fSAP94
RBM26 RNA binding motif protein 26 ARRS2|C13orf10|PPP1R132|PRO1777|SE70-2|ZC3H17
RBM27 RNA binding motif protein 27 ARRS1|Psc1|ZC3H18|ZC3H20
RBM28 RNA binding motif protein 28 ANES
RBM3 RNA binding motif protein 3 IS1-RNPL|RNPL
RBM33 RNA binding motif protein 33 PRR8
RBM34 RNA binding motif protein 34 -
RBM38 RNA binding motif protein 38 HSRNASEB|RNPC1|SEB4B|SEB4D|dJ800J21.2
RBM39 RNA binding motif protein 39 CAPER|CAPERalpha|FSAP59|HCC1|RNPC2
RBM4 RNA binding motif protein 4 LARK|RBM4A|ZCCHC21|ZCRB3A
RBM41 RNA binding motif protein 41 -
RBM42 RNA binding motif protein 42 -
RBM43 RNA binding motif protein 43 C2orf38
RBM44 RNA binding motif protein 44 -
RBM45 RNA binding motif protein 45 DRB1|RB-1
RBM46 RNA binding motif protein 46 CT68
RBM47 RNA binding motif protein 47 NET18
RBM48 RNA binding motif protein 48 C7orf64|HSPC304
RBM4B RNA binding motif protein 4B RBM30|RBM4L|ZCCHC15|ZCCHC21B|ZCRB3B
RBM5 RNA binding motif protein 5 G15|H37|LUCA15|RMB5
RBM6 RNA binding motif protein 6 3G2|DEF-3|DEF3|HLC-11|NY-LU-12|g16
RBM7 RNA binding motif protein 7 -
RBM8A RNA binding motif protein 8A BOV-1A|BOV-1B|BOV-1C|C1DELq21.1|DEL1q21.1|MDS014|RBM8|RBM8B|TAR|Y14|ZNRP|ZRNP1
RBMS1 RNA binding motif single stranded interacting protein 1 C2orf12|HCC-4|MSSP|MSSP-1|MSSP-2|MSSP-3|SCR2|YC1
RBMS2 RNA binding motif single stranded interacting protein 2 SCR3
RBMX RNA binding motif protein, X-linked HNRNPG|HNRPG|MRXS11|RBMXP1|RBMXRT|RNMX|hnRNP-G
RBMX2 RNA binding motif protein, X-linked 2 CGI-79|Snu17
RBMXL1 RNA binding motif protein, X-linked like 1 RBM1
RBMXL2 RNA binding motif protein, X-linked like 2 HNRNPG-T|HNRNPGT|HNRPGT
RBMY1A1 RNA binding motif protein, Y-linked, family 1, member A1 RBM|RBM1|RBM2|RBMY|RBMY1C|YRRM1|YRRM2
RBMY1F RNA binding motif protein, Y-linked, family 1, member F YRRM2
RBMY2FP RNA binding motif protein, Y-linked, family 2, member F pseudogene -
RBP3 retinol binding protein 3 D10S64|D10S65|D10S66|IRBP|RBPI|RP66
RBP4 retinol binding protein 4 MCOPCB10|RDCCAS
RBP5 retinol binding protein 5 CRBP-III|CRBP3|CRBPIII|HRBPiso
RBP7 retinol binding protein 7 CRABP4|CRBP4|CRBPIV
RBPJ recombination signal binding protein for immunoglobulin kappa J region AOS3|CBF1|IGKJRB|IGKJRB1|KBF2|RBP-J|RBPJK|RBPSUH|SUH|csl
RBPMS RNA binding protein with multiple splicing HERMES
RBPMS2 RNA binding protein with multiple splicing 2 -
RBSN rabenosyn, RAB effector Rabenosyn-5|ZFYVE20
RBX1 ring-box 1 BA554C12.1|RNF75|ROC1
RC3H1 ring finger and CCCH-type domains 1 RNF198|ROQUIN
RC3H2 ring finger and CCCH-type domains 2 MNAB|RNF164
RCAN1 regulator of calcineurin 1 ADAPT78|CSP1|DSC1|DSCR1|MCIP1|RCN1
RCAN2 regulator of calcineurin 2 CSP2|DSCR1L1|MCIP2|RCN2|ZAKI-4|ZAKI4
RCAN3 RCAN family member 3 DSCR1L2|MCIP3|RCN3|hRCN3
RCBTB1 RCC1 and BTB domain containing protein 1 CLLD7|CLLL7|GLP|RDEOA
RCBTB2 RCC1 and BTB domain containing protein 2 CHC1L|RLG
RCC1 regulator of chromosome condensation 1 CHC1|RCC1-I|SNHG3-RCC1
RCC2 regulator of chromosome condensation 2 TD-60
RCCD1 RCC1 domain containing 1 -
RCHY1 ring finger and CHY zinc finger domain containing 1 ARNIP|CHIMP|PIRH2|PRO1996|RNF199|ZCHY|ZNF363
RCL1 RNA terminal phosphate cyclase like 1 RNAC|RPCL1
RCN1 reticulocalbin 1 HEL-S-84|PIG20|RCAL|RCN
RCN2 reticulocalbin 2 E6BP|ERC-55|ERC55|TCBP49
RCN3 reticulocalbin 3 RLP49
RCOR1 REST corepressor 1 COREST|RCOR
RCOR2 REST corepressor 2 -
RCOR3 REST corepressor 3 -
RCSD1 RCSD domain containing 1 CAPZIP|MK2S4
RCVRN recoverin RCV1
RD3 retinal degeneration 3 C1orf36|LCA12
RDH10 retinol dehydrogenase 10 SDR16C4
RDH11 retinol dehydrogenase 11 (all-trans/9-cis/11-cis) ARSDR1|CGI82|HCBP12|MDT1|PSDR1|RALR1|RDJCSS|SCALD|SDR7C1
RDH12 retinol dehydrogenase 12 (all-trans/9-cis/11-cis) LCA13|RP53|SDR7C2
RDH13 retinol dehydrogenase 13 SDR7C3
RDH14 retinol dehydrogenase 14 (all-trans/9-cis/11-cis) PAN2|SDR7C4
RDH5 retinol dehydrogenase 5 9cRDH|HSD17B9|RDH1|SDR9C5
RDX radixin DFNB24
REC114 REC114 meiotic recombination protein C15orf60|CT147
REC8 REC8 meiotic recombination protein HR21spB|REC8L1|Rec8p
RECK reversion inducing cysteine rich protein with kazal motifs ST15
RECQL RecQ like helicase RECQL1|RecQ1
RECQL4 RecQ like helicase 4 RECQ4
RECQL5 RecQ like helicase 5 RECQ5
REEP1 receptor accessory protein 1 C2orf23|HMN5B|SPG31|Yip2a
REEP2 receptor accessory protein 2 C5orf19|SGC32445|SPG72|Yip2d
REEP3 receptor accessory protein 3 C10orf74|Yip2b
REEP4 receptor accessory protein 4 C8orf20|PP432|Yip2c
REEP5 receptor accessory protein 5 C5orf18|D5S346|DP1|TB2|YOP1|Yip2e
REEP6 receptor accessory protein 6 C19orf32|DP1L1|REEP6.1|REEP6.2|RP77|TB2L1|Yip2f
REG1A regenerating family member 1 alpha ICRF|P19|PSP|PSPS|PSPS1|PTP|REG
REG1B regenerating family member 1 beta PSPS2|REGH|REGI-BETA|REGL
REG3A regenerating family member 3 alpha HIP|HIP/PAP|INGAP|PAP|PAP-H|PAP1|PBCGF|REG-III|REG3
REG4 regenerating family member 4 GISP|REG-IV|RELP
REL REL proto-oncogene, NF-kB subunit C-Rel
RELA RELA proto-oncogene, NF-kB subunit NFKB3|p65
RELB RELB proto-oncogene, NF-kB subunit I-REL|IMD53|IREL|REL-B
RELL1 RELT like 1 -
RELL2 RELT like 2 C5orf16
REM1 RRAD and GEM like GTPase 1 GD:REM|GES
REM2 RRAD and GEM like GTPase 2 -
REN renin HNFJ2
RENBP renin binding protein RBP|RNBP
REPIN1 replication initiator 1 AP4|RIP60|ZNF464|Zfp464
REPS1 RALBP1 associated Eps domain containing 1 RALBP1
RER1 retention in endoplasmic reticulum sorting receptor 1 -
RERE arginine-glutamic acid dipeptide repeats ARG|ARP|ATN1L|DNB1|NEDBEH
RERG RAS like estrogen regulated growth inhibitor -
REST RE1 silencing transcription factor GINGF5|HGF5|NRSF|WT6|XBR
RET ret proto-oncogene CDHF12|CDHR16|HSCR1|MEN2A|MEN2B|MTC1|PTC|RET-ELE1
RETREG1 reticulophagy regulator 1 FAM134B|JK-1|JK1
RETREG2 reticulophagy regulator family member 2 C2orf17|FAM134A|MAG-2
RETREG3 reticulophagy regulator family member 3 FAM134C
RETSAT retinol saturase -
REV1 REV1, DNA directed polymerase AIBP80|REV1L
REV3L REV3 like, DNA directed polymerase zeta catalytic subunit POLZ|REV3
REX1BD required for excision 1-B domain containing C19orf60
REXO1 RNA exonuclease 1 homolog ELOABP1|EloA-BP1|REX1|TCEB3BP1
REXO2 RNA exonuclease 2 CGI-114|REX2|RFN|SFN
REXO4 REX4 homolog, 3'-5' exonuclease REX4|XPMC2|XPMC2H
REXO5 RNA exonuclease 5 NEF-sp
RFC1 replication factor C subunit 1 A1|MHCBFB|PO-GA|RECC1|RFC|RFC140
RFC2 replication factor C subunit 2 RFC40
RFC3 replication factor C subunit 3 RFC38
RFC4 replication factor C subunit 4 A1|RFC37
RFC5 replication factor C subunit 5 RFC36
RFESD Rieske Fe-S domain containing -
RFFL ring finger and FYVE like domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase CARP-2|CARP2|FRING|RIFIFYLIN|RNF189|RNF34L
RFK riboflavin kinase RIFK
RFLNA refilin A CFM2|FAM101A
RFLNB refilin B CFM1|FAM101B
RFNG RFNG O-fucosylpeptide 3-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase -
RFPL2 ret finger protein like 2 RNF79
RFPL3 ret finger protein like 3 -
RFPL4B ret finger protein like 4B RNF211
RFT1 RFT1 homolog CDG1N
RFTN1 raftlin, lipid raft linker 1 MIG2|PIB10|PIG9|RAFTLIN
RFWD2 ring finger and WD repeat domain 2 COP1|RNF200
RFWD3 ring finger and WD repeat domain 3 FANCW|RNF201
RFX1 regulatory factor X1 EFC|RFX
RFX2 regulatory factor X2 -
RFX3 regulatory factor X3 -
RFX4 regulatory factor X4 NYD-SP10
RFX5 regulatory factor X5 -
RFX6 regulatory factor X6 MTCHRS|MTFS|RFXDC1|dJ955L16.1
RFX7 regulatory factor X7 RFXDC2
RFXANK regulatory factor X associated ankyrin containing protein ANKRA1|BLS|F14150_1|RFX-B
RFXAP regulatory factor X associated protein -
RGCC regulator of cell cycle C13orf15|RGC-32|RGC32|bA157L14.2
RGL2 ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator like 2 HKE1.5|KE1.5|RAB2L
RGL3 ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator like 3 -
RGL4 ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator like 4 Rgr
RGMA repulsive guidance molecule family member a RGM
RGMB repulsive guidance molecule family member b DRAGON
RGMB-AS1 RGMB antisense RNA 1 -
RGN regucalcin GNL|HEL-S-41|RC|SMP30
RGP1 RGP1 homolog, RAB6A GEF complex partner 1 KIAA0258
RGPD5 RANBP2-like and GRIP domain containing 5 BS-63|BS63|HEL161|RGP5
RGR retinal G protein coupled receptor RP44
RGS1 regulator of G protein signaling 1 1R20|BL34|HEL-S-87|IER1|IR20
RGS10 regulator of G protein signaling 10 -
RGS11 regulator of G protein signaling 11 RS11
RGS13 regulator of G protein signaling 13 -
RGS14 regulator of G protein signaling 14 -
RGS16 regulator of G protein signaling 16 A28-RGS14|A28-RGS14P|RGS-R
RGS17 regulator of G protein signaling 17 RGS-17|RGSZ2|hRGS17
RGS18 regulator of G protein signaling 18 RGS13
RGS19 regulator of G protein signaling 19 GAIP|RGSGAIP
RGS2 regulator of G protein signaling 2 G0S8
RGS20 regulator of G protein signaling 20 RGSZ1|ZGAP1|g(z)GAP|gz-GAP
RGS22 regulator of G protein signaling 22 CT145|PRTD-NY2
RGS3 regulator of G protein signaling 3 C2PA|RGP3
RGS4 regulator of G protein signaling 4 RGP4|SCZD9
RGS5 regulator of G protein signaling 5 MST092|MST106|MST129|MSTP032|MSTP092|MSTP106|MSTP129
RGS7 regulator of G protein signaling 7 -
RGS9BP regulator of G protein signaling 9 binding protein PERRS|R9AP|RGS9
RHAG Rh associated glycoprotein CD241|OHS|OHST|RH2|RH50A|Rh50|Rh50GP|SLC42A1
RHBDD1 rhomboid domain containing 1 RHBDL4|RRP4
RHBDD2 rhomboid domain containing 2 NPD007|RHBDL7
RHBDD3 rhomboid domain containing 3 C22orf3|HS984G1A|PTAG
RHBDF1 rhomboid 5 homolog 1 C16orf8|Dist1|EGFR-RS|gene-89|gene-90|hDist1
RHBDF2 rhomboid 5 homolog 2 RHBDL5|RHBDL6|TEC|TOC|TOCG|iRhom2
RHBDL2 rhomboid like 2 RRP2
RHBDL3 rhomboid like 3 RHBDL4|VRHO
RHBG Rh family B glycoprotein (gene/pseudogene) SLC42A2
RHCG Rh family C glycoprotein C15orf6|PDRC2|RHGK|SLC42A3
RHEB Ras homolog, mTORC1 binding RHEB2
RHEX regulator of hemoglobinization and erythroid cell expansion C1orf186
RHNO1 RAD9-HUS1-RAD1 interacting nuclear orphan 1 C12orf32|HKMT1188|RHINO
RHOA ras homolog family member A ARH12|ARHA|RHO12|RHOH12
RHOB ras homolog family member B ARH6|ARHB|MST081|MSTP081|RHOH6
RHOBTB1 Rho related BTB domain containing 1 -
RHOBTB2 Rho related BTB domain containing 2 DBC2
RHOBTB3 Rho related BTB domain containing 3 -
RHOC ras homolog family member C ARH9|ARHC|H9|RHOH9
RHOD ras homolog family member D ARHD|RHOHP1|RHOM|Rho
RHOF ras homolog family member F, filopodia associated ARHF|RIF
RHOG ras homolog family member G ARHG
RHOH ras homolog family member H ARHH|TTF
RHOJ ras homolog family member J ARHJ|RASL7B|TC10B|TCL
RHOQ ras homolog family member Q ARHQ|HEL-S-42|RASL7A|TC10|TC10A
RHOT1 ras homolog family member T1 ARHT1|MIRO-1|MIRO1
RHOT2 ras homolog family member T2 ARHT2|C16orf39|MIRO-2|MIRO2|RASL
RHOU ras homolog family member U ARHU|CDC42L1|G28K|WRCH1|hG28K
RHOXF2 Rhox homeobox family member 2 CT107|PEPP-2|PEPP2|THG1
RHPN1 rhophilin Rho GTPase binding protein 1 ODF5|RHOPHILIN|RHPN
RHPN1-AS1 RHPN1 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) C8orf51
RHPN2 rhophilin Rho GTPase binding protein 2 P76RBE|RHOBP
RIBC1 RIB43A domain with coiled-coils 1 2610028I09Rik
RIBC2 RIB43A domain with coiled-coils 2 C22orf11|TRIB
RIC1 RIC1 homolog, RAB6A GEF complex partner 1 CIP150|KIAA1432|bA207C16.1
RIC3 RIC3 acetylcholine receptor chaperone AYST720|PRO1385
RIC8A RIC8 guanine nucleotide exchange factor A RIC8
RICTOR RPTOR independent companion of MTOR complex 2 AVO3|PIA|hAVO3
RIDA reactive intermediate imine deaminase A homolog HRSP12|P14.5|PSP|UK114|hp14.5
RIF1 replication timing regulatory factor 1 -
RIIAD1 regulatory subunit of type II PKA R-subunit (RIIa) domain containing 1 C1orf230|NCRNA00166
RILP Rab interacting lysosomal protein PP10141
RILPL1 Rab interacting lysosomal protein like 1 GOSPEL|RLP1
RILPL2 Rab interacting lysosomal protein like 2 RLP2
RIMBP2 RIMS binding protein 2 PPP1R133|RBP2|RIM-BP2
RIMBP3 RIMS binding protein 3 RIM-BP3|RIM-BP3.1|RIM-BP3.A|RIMBP3.1|RIMBP3A
RIMKLA ribosomal modification protein rimK like family member A FAM80A|NAAGS|NAAGS-II
RIMKLB ribosomal modification protein rimK like family member B FAM80B|NAAGS|NAAGS-I
RIMS2 regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 2 OBOE|RAB3IP3|RIM2
RIMS3 regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 3 NIM3|RIM3
RIMS4 regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 4 C20orf190|RIM 4|RIM-4|RIM4|RIM4-gamma|RIM4gamma
RIN1 Ras and Rab interactor 1 -
RIN3 Ras and Rab interactor 3 -
RING1 ring finger protein 1 RING1A|RNF1
RINL Ras and Rab interactor like -
RINT1 RAD50 interactor 1 RINT-1
RIOK1 RIO kinase 1 AD034|RRP10|bA288G3.1
RIOK2 RIO kinase 2 RIO2
RIOK3 RIO kinase 3 SUDD
RIOX1 ribosomal oxygenase 1 C14orf169|JMJD9|MAPJD|NO66|ROX|URLC2|hsNO66
RIOX2 ribosomal oxygenase 2 JMJD10|MDIG|MINA|MINA53|NO52|ROX
RIPK2 receptor interacting serine/threonine kinase 2 CARD3|CARDIAK|CCK|GIG30|RICK|RIP2
RIPK3 receptor interacting serine/threonine kinase 3 RIP3
RIPK4 receptor interacting serine/threonine kinase 4 ANKK2|ANKRD3|DIK|NKRD3|PKK|PPS2|RIP4
RIPOR1 RHO family interacting cell polarization regulator 1 FAM65A
RIPOR2 RHO family interacting cell polarization regulator 2 C6orf32|DFNB104|DIFF40|DIFF48|FAM65B|MYONAP|PL48
RIPOR3 RIPOR family member 3 C20orf175|C20orf176|FAM65C
RIPPLY1 ripply transcriptional repressor 1 -
RIPPLY2 ripply transcriptional repressor 2 C6orf159|SCDO6|dJ237I15.1
RIT2 Ras like without CAAX 2 RIBA|RIN|ROC2
RITA1 RBPJ interacting and tubulin associated 1 C12orf52|RITA
RLBP1 retinaldehyde binding protein 1 CRALBP
RLF rearranged L-myc fusion ZN-15L|ZNF292L
RLIM ring finger protein, LIM domain interacting MRX61|NY-REN-43|RNF12
RLN1 relaxin 1 H1|H1RLX|RLXH1|bA12D24.3.1|bA12D24.3.2
RLN2 relaxin 2 H2|H2-RLX|RLXH2|bA12D24.1.1|bA12D24.1.2
RMDN1 regulator of microtubule dynamics 1 CGI-90|FAM82B|RMD-1|RMD1
RMDN2 regulator of microtubule dynamics 2 BLOCK18|FAM82A|FAM82A1|PRO34163|PYST9371|RMD-2|RMD2|RMD4
RMDN3 regulator of microtubule dynamics 3 FAM82A2|FAM82C|RMD-3|RMD3|ptpip51
RMI1 RecQ mediated genome instability 1 BLAP75|C9orf76|FAAP75
RMI2 RecQ mediated genome instability 2 BLAP18|C16orf75
RMND1 required for meiotic nuclear division 1 homolog C6orf96|COXPD11|RMD1|bA351K16|bA351K16.3
RMND5A required for meiotic nuclear division 5 homolog A CTLH|GID2|GID2A|RMD5|p44CTLH
RMND5B required for meiotic nuclear division 5 homolog B GID2|GID2B
RNA45SN5 RNA, 45S pre-ribosomal N5 RNA45S5
RNASE1 ribonuclease A family member 1, pancreatic RAC1|RIB1|RNS1
RNASE11 ribonuclease A family member 11 (inactive) C14orf6|HEL-S-84p|RAJ1
RNASE13 ribonuclease A family member 13 (inactive) HEL-S-86p|RAL1
RNASE4 ribonuclease A family member 4 RAB1|RNS4
RNASE6 ribonuclease A family member k6 RAD1|RNS6|RNasek6
RNASEH1 ribonuclease H1 H1RNA|PEOB2|RNH1
RNASEH2B ribonuclease H2 subunit B AGS2|DLEU8
RNASEH2C ribonuclease H2 subunit C AGS3|AYP1
RNASEK ribonuclease K -
RNASET2 ribonuclease T2 RNASE6PL|bA514O12.3
RND1 Rho family GTPase 1 ARHS|RHO6|RHOS
RND2 Rho family GTPase 2 ARHN|RHO7|RhoN
RND3 Rho family GTPase 3 ARHE|Rho8|RhoE|memB
RNF10 ring finger protein 10 RIE2
RNF103 ring finger protein 103 HKF-1|KF-1|KF1|ZFP-103|ZFP103
RNF11 ring finger protein 11 CGI-123|SID1669
RNF111 ring finger protein 111 ARK|hRNF111
RNF112 ring finger protein 112 BFP|ZNF179
RNF113A ring finger protein 113A Cwc24|RNF113|TTD5|ZNF183
RNF113B ring finger protein 113B RNF161|ZNF183L1|bA10G5.1
RNF114 ring finger protein 114 PSORS12|ZNF313
RNF115 ring finger protein 115 BCA2|ZNF364
RNF121 ring finger protein 121 -
RNF123 ring finger protein 123 FP1477|KPC1
RNF125 ring finger protein 125 TNORS|TRAC-1|TRAC1
RNF126 ring finger protein 126 -
RNF128 ring finger protein 128, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase GRAIL
RNF13 ring finger protein 13 RZF
RNF130 ring finger protein 130 G1RZFP|GOLIATH|GP
RNF133 ring finger protein 133 -
RNF135 ring finger protein 135 L13|MMFD|REUL|Riplet
RNF138 ring finger protein 138 HSD-4|NARF|STRIN|hNARF
RNF139 ring finger protein 139 HRCA1|RCA1|TRC8
RNF14 ring finger protein 14 ARA54|HFB30|HRIHFB2038|TRIAD2
RNF141 ring finger protein 141 RFP141|ZFP26|ZNF230
RNF144A ring finger protein 144A RNF144|UBCE7IP4|hUIP4
RNF144B ring finger protein 144B IBRDC2|PIR2|bA528A10.3|p53RFP
RNF145 ring finger protein 145 -
RNF146 ring finger protein 146 -
RNF148 ring finger protein 148 -
RNF149 ring finger protein 149 DNAPTP2
RNF151 ring finger protein 151 -
RNF157 ring finger protein 157 -
RNF166 ring finger protein 166 -
RNF167 ring finger protein 167 5730408C10Rik|LP2254|RING105
RNF168 ring finger protein 168 hRNF168
RNF17 ring finger protein 17 Mmip-2|SPATA23|TDRD4
RNF170 ring finger protein 170 ADSA|SNAX1
RNF175 ring finger protein 175 -
RNF181 ring finger protein 181 HSPC238
RNF182 ring finger protein 182 -
RNF183 ring finger protein 183 -
RNF185 ring finger protein 185 -
RNF186 ring finger protein 186 -
RNF187 ring finger protein 187 RACO-1|RACO1
RNF19A ring finger protein 19A, RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase RNF19
RNF19B ring finger protein 19B IBRDC3|NKLAM
RNF2 ring finger protein 2 BAP-1|BAP1|DING|HIPI3|RING1B|RING2
RNF20 ring finger protein 20 BRE1|BRE1A|hBRE1
RNF207 ring finger protein 207 C1orf188
RNF208 ring finger protein 208 -
RNF212 ring finger protein 212 ZHP3
RNF213 ring finger protein 213 ALO17|C17orf27|KIAA1618|MYMY2|MYSTR|NET57
RNF214 ring finger protein 214 -
RNF216 ring finger protein 216 CAHH|TRIAD3|U7I1|UBCE7IP1|ZIN
RNF216P1 ring finger protein 216 pseudogene 1 RNF216L|hCG2040556
RNF217 ring finger protein 217 C6orf172|IBRDC1|OSTL|dJ84N20.1
RNF219 ring finger protein 219 C13orf7
RNF220 ring finger protein 220 C1orf164
RNF24 ring finger protein 24 G1L
RNF25 ring finger protein 25 AO7
RNF26 ring finger protein 26 -
RNF31 ring finger protein 31 HOIP|Paul|ZIBRA
RNF32 ring finger protein 32 FKSG33|HSD15|LMBR2
RNF34 ring finger protein 34 CARP-1|CARP1|RFI|RIF|RIFF|hRFI
RNF38 ring finger protein 38 -
RNF4 ring finger protein 4 RES4-26|SLX5|SNURF
RNF40 ring finger protein 40 BRE1B|RBP95|STARING
RNF41 ring finger protein 41 FLRF|NRDP1|SBBI03
RNF44 ring finger protein 44 -
RNF5 ring finger protein 5 RING5|RMA1
RNF6 ring finger protein 6 -
RNF7 ring finger protein 7 CKBBP1|ROC2|SAG
RNF8 ring finger protein 8 hRNF8
RNFT1 ring finger protein, transmembrane 1 PTD016
RNFT2 ring finger protein, transmembrane 2 TMEM118
RNGTT RNA guanylyltransferase and 5'-phosphatase CAP1A|HCE|HCE1|hCAP
RNH1 ribonuclease/angiogenin inhibitor 1 RAI|RNH
RNLS renalase, FAD dependent amine oxidase C10orf59|RENALASE
RNMT RNA guanine-7 methyltransferase CMT1|CMT1c|MET|Met|RG7MT1|cm1p|hCMT1|hMet
RNPC3 RNA binding region (RNP1, RRM) containing 3 RBM40|RNP|SNRNP65
RNPEP arginyl aminopeptidase AP-B|APB
RNPEPL1 arginyl aminopeptidase like 1 -
RNPS1 RNA binding protein with serine rich domain 1 E5.1
RNU6-1 RNA, U6 small nuclear 1 RNU6|RNU6A|U6|U6-1
RNU6-6P RNA, U6 small nuclear 6, pseudogene RNU6-6|RNU6B|U6-6
ROBO1 roundabout guidance receptor 1 DUTT1|SAX3
ROBO2 roundabout guidance receptor 2 SAX3
ROBO3 roundabout guidance receptor 3 HGPPS|HGPPS1|HGPS|RBIG1|RIG1
ROBO4 roundabout guidance receptor 4 ECSM4|MRB
ROGDI rogdi homolog KTZS
ROM1 retinal outer segment membrane protein 1 ROM|ROSP1|RP7|TSPAN23
ROMO1 reactive oxygen species modulator 1 C20orf52|MTGM|MTGMP|bA353C18.2
ROPN1B rhophilin associated tail protein 1B -
ROPN1L rhophilin associated tail protein 1 like ASP|RSPH11
ROR1 receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 1 NTRKR1|dJ537F10.1
ROR2 receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2 BDB|BDB1|NTRKR2
RORA RAR related orphan receptor A NR1F1|ROR1|ROR2|ROR3|RZR-ALPHA|RZRA
RORB RAR related orphan receptor B NR1F2|ROR-BETA|RZR-BETA|RZRB|bA133M9.1
RORC RAR related orphan receptor C IMD42|NR1F3|RORG|RZR-GAMMA|RZRG|TOR
RP2 RP2, ARL3 GTPase activating protein DELXp11.3|NM23-H10|NME10|TBCCD2|XRP2
RP9 RP9, pre-mRNA splicing factor PAP-1|PAP1
RP9P RP9 pseudogene -
RPA1 replication protein A1 HSSB|MST075|REPA1|RF-A|RP-A|RPA70
RPA2 replication protein A2 REPA2|RP-A p32|RP-A p34|RPA32
RPA3 replication protein A3 REPA3|RP-A p14
RPAIN RPA interacting protein HRIP|RIP
RPAP1 RNA polymerase II associated protein 1 -
RPAP2 RNA polymerase II associated protein 2 C1orf82|Rtr1
RPAP3 RNA polymerase II associated protein 3 hSpagh
RPE ribulose-5-phosphate-3-epimerase RPE2-1
RPF1 ribosome production factor 1 homolog BXDC5
RPF2 ribosome production factor 2 homolog BXDC1|bA397G5.4
RPGR retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator COD1|CORDX1|CRD|PCDX|RP15|RP3|XLRP3|orf15
RPH3A rabphilin 3A -
RPH3AL rabphilin 3A like (without C2 domains) NOC2
RPIA ribose 5-phosphate isomerase A RPI|RPIAD
RPL10 ribosomal protein L10 AUTSX5|DXS648|DXS648E|L10|MRXS35|NOV|QM
RPL10A ribosomal protein L10a CSA19|Csa-19|L10A|NEDD6
RPL10L ribosomal protein L10 like RPL10_5_1358
RPL11 ribosomal protein L11 DBA7|GIG34|L11
RPL12 ribosomal protein L12 L12
RPL13 ribosomal protein L13 BBC1|D16S444E|D16S44E|L13
RPL13A ribosomal protein L13a L13A|TSTA1
RPL13AP17 ribosomal protein L13a pseudogene 17 RPL13A_6_816
RPL14 ribosomal protein L14 CAG-ISL-7|CTG-B33|L14|RL14|hRL14
RPL15 ribosomal protein L15 DBA12|EC45|L15|RPL10|RPLY10|RPYL10
RPL17 ribosomal protein L17 L17|PD-1|RPL23
RPL18 ribosomal protein L18 L18
RPL18A ribosomal protein L18a L18A
RPL19 ribosomal protein L19 L19
RPL21 ribosomal protein L21 HYPT12|L21
RPL21P44 ribosomal protein L21 pseudogene 44 RPL21_17_477
RPL21P97 ribosomal protein L21 pseudogene 97 RPL21_40_1120
RPL22 ribosomal protein L22 EAP|HBP15|HBP15/L22|L22
RPL22L1 ribosomal protein L22 like 1 -
RPL23 ribosomal protein L23 L23|rpL17
RPL23A ribosomal protein L23a L23A|MDA20
RPL23AP32 ribosomal protein L23a pseudogene 32 RPL23A_9_220
RPL23AP53 ribosomal protein L23a pseudogene 53 RPL23A_20_869
RPL23AP64 ribosomal protein L23a pseudogene 64 RPL23A_25_1182
RPL23AP82 ribosomal protein L23a pseudogene 82 RPL23A_43_1761
RPL24 ribosomal protein L24 HEL-S-310|L24
RPL26 ribosomal protein L26 DBA11|L26
RPL26L1 ribosomal protein L26 like 1 RPL26P1
RPL27 ribosomal protein L27 DBA16|L27
RPL27A ribosomal protein L27a L27A
RPL28 ribosomal protein L28 L28
RPL29 ribosomal protein L29 HIP|HUMRPL29|L29|RPL29P10|RPL29_3_370
RPL3 ribosomal protein L3 ASC-1|L3|TARBP-B
RPL30 ribosomal protein L30 L30
RPL31 ribosomal protein L31 L31
RPL32 ribosomal protein L32 L32|PP9932
RPL32P3 ribosomal protein L32 pseudogene 3 -
RPL34 ribosomal protein L34 L34
RPL34-AS1 RPL34 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) -
RPL35 ribosomal protein L35 L35
RPL35A ribosomal protein L35a DBA5|L35A
RPL36 ribosomal protein L36 L36
RPL36A ribosomal protein L36a L36A|L44L|MIG6|RPL44
RPL36AL ribosomal protein L36a like RPL36A
RPL36AP40 ribosomal protein L36a pseudogene 40 RPL36A_15_1127
RPL37 ribosomal protein L37 L37
RPL37A ribosomal protein L37a L37A
RPL38 ribosomal protein L38 L38
RPL39 ribosomal protein L39 L39|RPL39P42|RPL39_23_1806
RPL39L ribosomal protein L39 like L39-2|RPL39L1
RPL3L ribosomal protein L3 like -
RPL4 ribosomal protein L4 L4
RPL41 ribosomal protein L41 L41
RPL5 ribosomal protein L5 L5|MSTP030|PPP1R135
RPL6 ribosomal protein L6 L6|SHUJUN-2|TAXREB107|TXREB1
RPL7 ribosomal protein L7 L7|humL7-1
RPL7A ribosomal protein L7a L7A|SURF3|TRUP
RPL7L1 ribosomal protein L7 like 1 dJ475N16.4
RPL8 ribosomal protein L8 L8
RPL9 ribosomal protein L9 L9|NPC-A-16
RPLP0 ribosomal protein lateral stalk subunit P0 L10E|LP0|P0|PRLP0|RPP0
RPLP1 ribosomal protein lateral stalk subunit P1 LP1|P1|RPP1
RPLP2 ribosomal protein lateral stalk subunit P2 D11S2243E|LP2|P2|RPP2
RPN1 ribophorin I OST1|RBPH1
RPP14 ribonuclease P/MRP subunit p14 P14
RPP21 ribonuclease P/MRP subunit p21 C6orf135|CAT60
RPP25 ribonuclease P and MRP subunit p25 -
RPP25L ribonuclease P/MRP subunit p25 like C9orf23|bA296L22.5
RPP30 ribonuclease P/MRP subunit p30 TSG15
RPP38 ribonuclease P/MRP subunit p38 -
RPP40 ribonuclease P/MRP subunit p40 RNASEP1|bA428J1.3
RPRD1A regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain containing 1A HsT3101|P15RS
RPRD1B regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain containing 1B C20orf77|CREPT|K-H|Kub5-Hera|NET60|dJ1057B20.2
RPRD2 regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain containing 2 HSPC099|KIAA0460
RPRM reprimo, TP53 dependent G2 arrest mediator homolog REPRIMO
RPRML reprimo like -
RPS10 ribosomal protein S10 DBA9|S10
RPS11 ribosomal protein S11 S11
RPS12 ribosomal protein S12 S12
RPS13 ribosomal protein S13 S13
RPS14 ribosomal protein S14 EMTB|S14
RPS15 ribosomal protein S15 RIG|S15
RPS15A ribosomal protein S15a S15a
RPS16 ribosomal protein S16 S16
RPS17 ribosomal protein S17 DBA4|RPS17L|RPS17L1|RPS17L2|S17
RPS18 ribosomal protein S18 D6S218E|HKE3|KE-3|KE3|S18
RPS19 ribosomal protein S19 DBA|DBA1|S19
RPS19BP1 ribosomal protein S19 binding protein 1 AROS|S19BP
RPS2 ribosomal protein S2 LLREP3|S2
RPS20 ribosomal protein S20 S20
RPS21 ribosomal protein S21 HLDF|S21
RPS23 ribosomal protein S23 BTDD|MABAS|MCINS|PAMAS|S23
RPS24 ribosomal protein S24 DBA3|S24
RPS25 ribosomal protein S25 S25
RPS26 ribosomal protein S26 DBA10|S26
RPS27 ribosomal protein S27 DBA17|MPS-1|MPS1|S27
RPS27A ribosomal protein S27a CEP80|HEL112|S27A|UBA80|UBC|UBCEP1|UBCEP80
RPS27L ribosomal protein S27 like -
RPS28 ribosomal protein S28 DBA15|S28
RPS29 ribosomal protein S29 DBA13|S29
RPS2P32 ribosomal protein S2 pseudogene 32 RPS2_14_794
RPS3 ribosomal protein S3 S3
RPS3A ribosomal protein S3A FTE1|MFTL|S3A
RPS4X ribosomal protein S4, X-linked CCG2|DXS306|RPS4|S4|SCAR|SCR10
RPS4Y1 ribosomal protein S4, Y-linked 1 RPS4Y|S4
RPS5 ribosomal protein S5 S5
RPS6 ribosomal protein S6 S6
RPS6KA1 ribosomal protein S6 kinase A1 HU-1|MAPKAPK1A|RSK|RSK1|p90Rsk
RPS6KA2 ribosomal protein S6 kinase A2 HU-2|MAPKAPK1C|RSK|RSK3|S6K-alpha|S6K-alpha2|p90-RSK3|p90RSK2|pp90RSK3
RPS6KA4 ribosomal protein S6 kinase A4 MSK2|RSK-B|S6K-alpha-4
RPS6KA5 ribosomal protein S6 kinase A5 MSK1|MSPK1|RLPK
RPS6KB1 ribosomal protein S6 kinase B1 PS6K|S6K|S6K-beta-1|S6K1|STK14A|p70 S6KA|p70(S6K)-alpha|p70-S6K|p70-alpha
RPS6KB2 ribosomal protein S6 kinase B2 KLS|P70-beta|P70-beta-1|P70-beta-2|S6K-beta2|S6K2|SRK|STK14B|p70(S6K)-beta|p70S6Kb
RPS6KL1 ribosomal protein S6 kinase like 1 RSKL2
RPS7 ribosomal protein S7 DBA8|S7
RPS8 ribosomal protein S8 S8
RPS9 ribosomal protein S9 S9
RPSA ribosomal protein SA 37LRP|67LR|ICAS|LAMBR|LAMR1|LBP|LBP/p40|LRP|LRP/LR|NEM/1CHD4|SA|lamR|p40
RPSAP52 ribosomal protein SA pseudogene 52 RPSA_17_1251
RPSAP58 ribosomal protein SA pseudogene 58 RPSA_30_1642
RPTOR regulatory associated protein of MTOR complex 1 KOG1|Mip1
RPUSD1 RNA pseudouridylate synthase domain containing 1 C16orf40|RLUCL
RPUSD2 RNA pseudouridylate synthase domain containing 2 C15orf19|C18B11
RPUSD3 RNA pseudouridylate synthase domain containing 3 -
RPUSD4 RNA pseudouridylate synthase domain containing 4 -
RRAD RRAD, Ras related glycolysis inhibitor and calcium channel regulator RAD|RAD1|REM3
RRAGA Ras related GTP binding A FIP-1|FIP1|RAGA
RRAGB Ras related GTP binding B RAGB|bA465E19.1
RRAGC Ras related GTP binding C GTR2|RAGC|TIB929
RRAGD Ras related GTP binding D RAGD|bA11D8.2.1
RRAS RAS related R-Ras
RRAS2 RAS related 2 TC21
RRBP1 ribosome binding protein 1 ES/130|ES130|RRp|hES
RREB1 ras responsive element binding protein 1 FINB|HNT|LZ321|RREB-1|Zep-1
RRM1 ribonucleotide reductase catalytic subunit M1 R1|RIR1|RR1
RRM2 ribonucleotide reductase regulatory subunit M2 R2|RR2|RR2M
RRM2B ribonucleotide reductase regulatory TP53 inducible subunit M2B MTDPS8A|MTDPS8B|P53R2
RRN3 RRN3 homolog, RNA polymerase I transcription factor A-270G1.2|TIFIA
RRNAD1 ribosomal RNA adenine dimethylase domain containing 1 C1orf66|CGI-41|METTL25B
RRP1 ribosomal RNA processing 1 D21S2056E|NNP-1|NOP52|RRP1A
RRP12 ribosomal RNA processing 12 homolog KIAA0690
RRP15 ribosomal RNA processing 15 homolog CGI-115|KIAA0507
RRP1B ribosomal RNA processing 1B KIAA0179|NNP1L|Nnp1|PPP1R136|RRP1
RRP36 ribosomal RNA processing 36 C6orf153|dJ20C7.4
RRP7A ribosomal RNA processing 7 homolog A BK126B4.3|CGI-96|Rrp7
RRP7BP ribosomal RNA processing 7 homolog B, pseudogene RRP7B|dJ222E13.2
RRP8 ribosomal RNA processing 8 KIAA0409|NML
RRP9 ribosomal RNA processing 9, U3 small nucleolar RNA binding protein RNU3IP2|U3-55K
RRS1 ribosome biogenesis regulator homolog -
RSAD1 radical S-adenosyl methionine domain containing 1 -
RSAD2 radical S-adenosyl methionine domain containing 2 2510004L01Rik|cig33|cig5|vig1
RSBN1 round spermatid basic protein 1 ROSBIN
RSBN1L round spermatid basic protein 1 like -
RSF1 remodeling and spacing factor 1 HBXAP|RSF-1|XAP8|p325
RSG1 REM2 and RAB like small GTPase 1 C1orf89
RSL1D1 ribosomal L1 domain containing 1 CSIG|L12|PBK1|UTP30
RSL24D1 ribosomal L24 domain containing 1 C15orf15|HRP-L30-iso|L30|RLP24|RPL24|RPL24L|TVAS3
RSPH10B radial spoke head 10 homolog B -
RSPH14 radial spoke head 14 homolog RTDR1
RSPH3 radial spoke head 3 homolog CILD32|RSHL2|RSP3|dJ111C20.1
RSPH4A radial spoke head 4 homolog A CILD11|RSHL3|RSPH6B|dJ412I7.1
RSPH6A radial spoke head 6 homolog A RSHL1|RSP4|RSP6|RSPH4B
RSPH9 radial spoke head 9 homolog C6orf206|CILD12|MRPS18AL1
RSPO2 R-spondin 2 CRISTIN2
RSPO4 R-spondin 4 C20orf182|CRISTIN4
RSPRY1 ring finger and SPRY domain containing 1 SEMDFA
RSRC1 arginine and serine rich coiled-coil 1 BM-011|SFRS21|SRrp53
RSRC2 arginine and serine rich coiled-coil 2 -
RSRP1 arginine and serine rich protein 1 C1orf63|NPD014
RSU1 Ras suppressor protein 1 RSP-1
RTBDN retbindin -
RTCA RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase RPC|RTC1|RTCD1
RTCB RNA 2',3'-cyclic phosphate and 5'-OH ligase C22orf28|DJ149A16.6|FAAP|HSPC117
RTF1 RTF1 homolog, Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component GTL7|KIAA0252
RTFDC1 replication termination factor 2 domain containing 1 C20orf43|CDAO5|HSPC164|SHUJUN-3
RTKN rhotekin -
RTKN2 rhotekin 2 PLEKHK1|bA531F24.1
RTL10 retrotransposon Gag like 10 BOP|C22orf29
RTL4 retrotransposon Gag like 4 Mar4|Mart4|SIRH11|ZCCHC16
RTL6 retrotransposon Gag like 6 LDOC1L|Mar6|Mart6|SIRH3|dJ1033E15.2
RTL8A retrotransposon Gag like 8A CXX1b|FAM127B|MAR8A|SIRH6
RTL8B retrotransposon Gag like 8B CXX1c|FAM127C|MAR8B|SIRH4
RTL8C retrotransposon Gag like 8C CXX1|FAM127A|MAR8C|MART8C|Mar8|Mart8|SIRH5
RTN2 reticulon 2 NSP2|NSPL1|NSPLI|SPG12
RTN4 reticulon 4 ASY|NI220/250|NOGO|NSP|NSP-CL|Nbla00271|Nbla10545|RTN-X|RTN4-A|RTN4-B1|RTN4-B2|RTN4-C
RTN4IP1 reticulon 4 interacting protein 1 NIMP|OPA10
RTN4R reticulon 4 receptor NGR|NOGOR
RTN4RL1 reticulon 4 receptor like 1 NGRH2|NgR3
RTN4RL2 reticulon 4 receptor like 2 NGRH1|NgR2
RTP1 receptor transporter protein 1 Z3CXXC1
RTP2 receptor transporter protein 2 Z3CXXC2
RTP4 receptor transporter protein 4 IFRG28|Z3CXXC4
RTRAF RNA transcription, translation and transport factor C14orf166|CGI-99|CGI99|CLE|CLE7|LCRP369|RLLM1|hCLE1
RTTN rotatin MSSP
RUBCN RUN and cysteine rich domain containing beclin 1 interacting protein KIAA0226|RUBICON|SCAR15
RUBCNL RUN and cysteine rich domain containing beclin 1 interacting protein like C13orf18|KIAA0226L|PACER
RUFY1 RUN and FYVE domain containing 1 RABIP4|ZFYVE12
RUFY2 RUN and FYVE domain containing 2 RABIP4R|ZFYVE13
RUFY3 RUN and FYVE domain containing 3 RIPX|SINGAR1|ZFYVE30
RUFY4 RUN and FYVE domain containing 4 ZFYVE31
RUNDC1 RUN domain containing 1 -
RUNDC3A RUN domain containing 3A RAP2IP|RPIP-8|RPIP8
RUNDC3B RUN domain containing 3B RPIB9|RPIP9
RUNX1-IT1 RUNX1 intronic transcript 1 C21orf96
RUNX1T1 RUNX1 translocation partner 1 AML1-MTG8|AML1T1|CBFA2T1|CDR|ETO|MTG8|ZMYND2
RUNX3 runt related transcription factor 3 AML2|CBFA3|PEBP2aC
RUSC1 RUN and SH3 domain containing 1 NESCA
RUSC1-AS1 RUSC1 antisense RNA 1 C1orf104
RUSC2 RUN and SH3 domain containing 2 Iporin
RUVBL1 RuvB like AAA ATPase 1 ECP-54|ECP54|INO80H|NMP 238|NMP238|PONTIN|Pontin52|RVB1|TIH1|TIP49|TIP49A
RUVBL2 RuvB like AAA ATPase 2 CGI-46|ECP-51|ECP51|INO80J|REPTIN|RVB2|TAP54-beta|TIH2|TIP48|TIP49B
RWDD1 RWD domain containing 1 CGI-24|PTD013
RWDD2A RWD domain containing 2A RWDD2|dJ747H23.2
RWDD2B RWD domain containing 2B C21orf6|GL011
RWDD3 RWD domain containing 3 RSUME
RWDD4 RWD domain containing 4 FAM28A|RWDD4A
RXFP1 relaxin/insulin like family peptide receptor 1 LGR7|RXFPR1
RXRA retinoid X receptor alpha NR2B1
RXRB retinoid X receptor beta DAUDI6|H-2RIIBP|NR2B2|RCoR-1
RXRG retinoid X receptor gamma NR2B3|RXRC
RYBP RING1 and YY1 binding protein AAP1|APAP-1|DEDAF|YEAF1
RYK receptor-like tyrosine kinase D3S3195|JTK5|JTK5A|RYK1

No Approval Forms Required for Fluorescent Protein Genes Developed by Dr. Atsushi Miyawaki
♦ RIKEN BRC will be closed from December 28, 2024 through January 5, 2025 due to New Year's holidays.
A bicistronic cell cycle reporter, Fucci2a (Sep 17, 2024)
Monomeric Fluorescent Protein Resource, mStayGold (Dec 18, 2023)
Visualization of Organelles update (Dec 18, 2023)
Development of two mouse strains conditionally expressing bright luciferases (Sep 08, 2023)
Autophagy and Mitophagy Updates (Aug 16, 2023)
High intensity forms of luciferase and luminescent proteins from various organisms (BRC RESOURCE NEWS) (Apr 28, 2023)
Plasmid of Cas9 expression/mRNA production, evaluation of the genome edit efficiency, and Knock-in donors and tags
Fucci cell cycle indicator, Calcium sensor and Fluorescent and Luminescent protein resources
Revision of Distribution Fees for Bioresources in RIKEN BRC
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