
RIKEN DNA Bank Human Resource - X

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Gene Symbol Product Name Synonyms
XAB2 XPA binding protein 2 HCNP|HCRN|NTC90|SYF1
XAF1 XIAP associated factor 1 BIRC4BP|HSXIAPAF1|XIAPAF1
XAGE2 X antigen family member 2 CT12.2|GAGED3|XAGE-2|XAGE2B
XAGE3 X antigen family member 3 CT12.3a|CT12.3b|GAGED4|PLAC6|XAGE-3|pp9012
XBP1 X-box binding protein 1 TREB-5|TREB5|XBP-1|XBP2
XCL1 X-C motif chemokine ligand 1 ATAC|LPTN|LTN|SCM-1|SCM-1a|SCM1|SCM1A|SCYC1
XCL2 X-C motif chemokine ligand 2 SCM-1b|SCM1B|SCYC2
XCR1 X-C motif chemokine receptor 1 CCXCR1|GPR5
XIAP X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis API3|BIRC4|IAP-3|ILP1|MIHA|XLP2|hIAP-3|hIAP3
XIRP2 xin actin binding repeat containing 2 CMYA3
XK X-linked Kx blood group KX|NA|NAC|X1k|XKR1
XKR3 XK related 3 XRG3|XTES
XKR6 XK related 6 C8orf21|C8orf5|C8orf7|XRG6
XKR8 XK related 8 XRG8|hXkr8
XPA XPA, DNA damage recognition and repair factor XP1|XPAC
XPC XPC complex subunit, DNA damage recognition and repair factor RAD4|XP3|XPCC|p125
XPNPEP3 X-prolyl aminopeptidase 3 APP3|ICP55|NPHPL1
XPO1 exportin 1 CRM1|emb|exp1
XPO4 exportin 4 exp4
XPO5 exportin 5 exp5
XPO6 exportin 6 EXP6|RANBP20
XPO7 exportin 7 EXP7|RANBP16
XPOT exportin for tRNA XPO3
XPR1 xenotropic and polytropic retrovirus receptor 1 IBGC6|SLC53A1|SYG1|X3
XRCC1 X-ray repair cross complementing 1 RCC|SCAR26
XRCC2 X-ray repair cross complementing 2 FANCU
XRCC3 X-ray repair cross complementing 3 CMM6
XRCC4 X-ray repair cross complementing 4 SSMED
XRCC5 X-ray repair cross complementing 5 KARP-1|KARP1|KU80|KUB2|Ku86|NFIV
XRCC6 X-ray repair cross complementing 6 CTC75|CTCBF|G22P1|KU70|ML8|TLAA
XRN1 5'-3' exoribonuclease 1 SEP1
XRN2 5'-3' exoribonuclease 2 -
XRRA1 X-ray radiation resistance associated 1 -
XXYLT1 xyloside xylosyltransferase 1 C3orf21
XYLB xylulokinase -
XYLT2 xylosyltransferase 2 PXYLT2|SOS|XT-II|XT2|xylT-II

No Approval Forms Required for Fluorescent Protein Genes Developed by Dr. Atsushi Miyawaki
♦ RIKEN BRC will be closed from December 28, 2024 through January 5, 2025 due to New Year's holidays.
A bicistronic cell cycle reporter, Fucci2a (Sep 17, 2024)
Monomeric Fluorescent Protein Resource, mStayGold (Dec 18, 2023)
Visualization of Organelles update (Dec 18, 2023)
Development of two mouse strains conditionally expressing bright luciferases (Sep 08, 2023)
Autophagy and Mitophagy Updates (Aug 16, 2023)
High intensity forms of luciferase and luminescent proteins from various organisms (BRC RESOURCE NEWS) (Apr 28, 2023)
Plasmid of Cas9 expression/mRNA production, evaluation of the genome edit efficiency, and Knock-in donors and tags
Fucci cell cycle indicator, Calcium sensor and Fluorescent and Luminescent protein resources
Revision of Distribution Fees for Bioresources in RIKEN BRC
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