Gene Symbol | Product Name | Synonyms |
VAC14 | Vac14, PIKFYVE complex component | ArPIKfyve|TAX1BP2|TRX |
VAC14-AS1 | VAC14 antisense RNA 1 | - |
VAMP1 | vesicle associated membrane protein 1 | SPAX1|SYB1|VAMP-1 |
VAMP2 | vesicle associated membrane protein 2 | SYB2|VAMP-2 |
VAMP3 | vesicle associated membrane protein 3 | CEB |
VAMP4 | vesicle associated membrane protein 4 | VAMP-4|VAMP24 |
VAMP5 | vesicle associated membrane protein 5 | - |
VAMP7 | vesicle associated membrane protein 7 | SYBL1|TI-VAMP|TIVAMP|VAMP-7 |
VAMP8 | vesicle associated membrane protein 8 | EDB|VAMP-8 |
VANGL1 | VANGL planar cell polarity protein 1 | KITENIN|LPP2|STB2|STBM2 |
VAPA | VAMP associated protein A | VAP-33|VAP-A|VAP33|hVAP-33 |
VAPB | VAMP associated protein B and C | ALS8|VAMP-B|VAP-B |
VARS | valyl-tRNA synthetase | G7A|VARS1|VARS2 |
VARS2 | valyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial | COXPD20|VALRS|VARS2L|VARSL |
VASH1 | vasohibin 1 | KIAA1036 |
VASH2 | vasohibin 2 | - |
VASN | vasorin | SLITL2 |
VASP | vasodilator stimulated phosphoprotein | - |
VAT1 | vesicle amine transport 1 | VATI |
VAT1L | vesicle amine transport 1 like | - |
VAV1 | vav guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1 | VAV |
VAV2 | vav guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2 | VAV-2 |
VAX1 | ventral anterior homeobox 1 | MCOPS11 |
VAX2 | ventral anterior homeobox 2 | DRES93 |
VBP1 | VHL binding protein 1 | HIBBJ46|PFD3|PFDN3|VBP-1 |
VCAM1 | vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 | CD106|INCAM-100 |
VCL | vinculin | CMD1W|CMH15|HEL114|MV|MVCL |
VCP | valosin containing protein | CDC48|TERA|p97 |
VCPIP1 | valosin containing protein interacting protein 1 | DUBA3|VCIP135 |
VCPKMT | valosin containing protein lysine methyltransferase | C14orf138|METTL21D|VCP-KMT |
VCX3A | variable charge, X-linked 3A | VCX-8r|VCX-A|VCX3|VCX8R|VCXA |
VCY1B | variable charge, Y-linked 1B | BPY1B |
VDAC1 | voltage dependent anion channel 1 | PORIN|VDAC-1 |
VDAC2 | voltage dependent anion channel 2 | POR |
VDAC3 | voltage dependent anion channel 3 | HD-VDAC3|VDAC-3 |
VDR | vitamin D receptor | NR1I1|PPP1R163 |
VEGFA | vascular endothelial growth factor A | MVCD1|VEGF|VPF |
VEGFB | vascular endothelial growth factor B | VEGFL|VRF |
VEGFC | vascular endothelial growth factor C | Flt4-L|LMPH1D|VRP |
VEGFD | vascular endothelial growth factor D | FIGF|VEGF-D |
VEPH1 | ventricular zone expressed PH domain containing 1 | MELT|VEPH |
VEZT | vezatin, adherens junctions transmembrane protein | VEZATIN |
VGF | VGF nerve growth factor inducible | SCG7|SgVII |
VGLL1 | vestigial like family member 1 | TDU|VGL1 |
VGLL2 | vestigial like family member 2 | VGL2|VITO1 |
VGLL3 | vestigial like family member 3 | VGL-3|VGL3 |
VGLL4 | vestigial like family member 4 | VGL-4 |
VHL | von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor | HRCA1|RCA1|VHL1|pVHL |
VIL1 | villin 1 | D2S1471|VIL |
VILL | villin like | - |
VIM | vimentin | - |
VIP | vasoactive intestinal peptide | PHM27 |
VIPAS39 | VPS33B interacting protein, apical-basolateral polarity regulator, spe-39 homolog | C14orf133|SPE-39|SPE39|VIPAR|VPS16B|hSPE-39 |
VIPR1 | vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 1 | HVR1|II|PACAP-R-2|PACAP-R2|RDC1|V1RG|VAPC1|VIP-R-1|VIPR|VIRG|VPAC1|VPAC1R|VPCAP1R |
VIPR2 | vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 2 | C16DUPq36.3|DUP7q36.3|PACAP-R-3|PACAP-R3|VIP-R-2|VPAC2|VPAC2R|VPCAP2R |
VIRMA | vir like m6A methyltransferase associated | KIAA1429|MSTP054|fSAP121 |
VKORC1 | vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 | EDTP308|MST134|MST576|VKCFD2|VKOR |
VKORC1L1 | vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 like 1 | - |
VLDLR | very low density lipoprotein receptor | CAMRQ1|CARMQ1|CHRMQ1|VLDL-R|VLDLRCH |
VLDLR-AS1 | VLDLR antisense RNA 1 | linc-VLDLR|lincRNA-VLDLR |
VMA21 | VMA21, vacuolar ATPase assembly factor | MEAX|XMEA |
VMAC | vimentin type intermediate filament associated coiled-coil protein | - |
VMP1 | vacuole membrane protein 1 | EPG3|TANGO5|TMEM49 |
VN1R1 | vomeronasal 1 receptor 1 | V1RL1|VNR19I1|ZVNH1|ZVNR1 |
VNN2 | vanin 2 | FOAP-4|GPI-80 |
VOPP1 | VOPP1, WBP1/VOPP1 family member | ECOP|GASP|WBP1L2 |
VPREB1 | V-set pre-B cell surrogate light chain 1 | CD179a|IGI|IGVPB|VPREB |
VPREB3 | V-set pre-B cell surrogate light chain 3 | 8HS20|N27C7-2 |
VPS11 | VPS11, CORVET/HOPS core subunit | END1|HLD12|PEP5|RNF108|hVPS11 |
VPS13A | vacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog A | CHAC|CHOREIN |
VPS13B | vacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog B | CHS1|COH1 |
VPS13D | vacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog D | - |
VPS16 | VPS16, CORVET/HOPS core subunit | hVPS16 |
VPS18 | VPS18, CORVET/HOPS core subunit | PEP3 |
VPS25 | vacuolar protein sorting 25 homolog | DERP9|EAP20|FAP20 |
VPS26A | VPS26, retromer complex component A | HB58|Hbeta58|PEP8A|VPS26 |
VPS26B | VPS26, retromer complex component B | Pep8b |
VPS28 | VPS28, ESCRT-I subunit | - |
VPS29 | VPS29, retromer complex component | DC15|DC7|PEP11 |
VPS33A | VPS33A, CORVET/HOPS core subunit | MPSPS |
VPS33B | VPS33B, late endosome and lysosome associated | - |
VPS35 | VPS35, retromer complex component | MEM3|PARK17 |
VPS36 | vacuolar protein sorting 36 homolog | C13orf9|CGI-145|EAP45 |
VPS37A | VPS37A, ESCRT-I subunit | HCRP1|PQBP2|SPG53 |
VPS37B | VPS37B, ESCRT-I subunit | - |
VPS37C | VPS37C, ESCRT-I subunit | - |
VPS37D | VPS37D, ESCRT-I subunit | WBSCR24 |
VPS39 | VPS39, HOPS complex subunit | TLP|VAM6|hVam6p |
VPS41 | VPS41, HOPS complex subunit | HVPS41|HVSP41|hVps41p |
VPS45 | vacuolar protein sorting 45 homolog | H1|H1VPS45|SCN5|VPS45A|VPS45B|VPS54A|VSP45|VSP45A |
VPS4A | vacuolar protein sorting 4 homolog A | SKD1|SKD1A|SKD2|VPS4|VPS4-1 |
VPS4B | vacuolar protein sorting 4 homolog B | MIG1|SKD1|SKD1B|VPS4-2 |
VPS50 | VPS50, EARP/GARPII complex subunit | CCDC132|VPS54L |
VPS51 | VPS51, GARP complex subunit | ANG2|ANG3|C11orf2|C11orf3|FFR |
VPS52 | VPS52, GARP complex subunit | ARE1|SAC2|SACM2L|dJ1033B10.5 |
VPS53 | VPS53, GARP complex subunit | HCCS1|PCH2E|hVps53L|pp13624 |
VPS54 | VPS54, GARP complex subunit | HCC8|PPP1R164|SLP-8p|VPS54L|WR|hVps54L |
VPS72 | vacuolar protein sorting 72 homolog | CFL1|Swc2|TCFL1|YL-1|YL1 |
VPS8 | VPS8, CORVET complex subunit | KIAA0804 |
VRK1 | vaccinia related kinase 1 | PCH1|PCH1A |
VRK2 | vaccinia related kinase 2 | - |
VRK3 | vaccinia related kinase 3 | - |
VRTN | vertebrae development associated | C14orf115|vertnin |
VSIG1 | V-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 1 | 1700062D20Rik|GPA34|dJ889N15.1 |
VSIG10 | V-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 10 | - |
VSIG10L | V-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 10 like | - |
VSIG10L2 | V-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 10 like 2 | - |
VSIG2 | V-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 2 | 2210413P10Rik|CTH|CTXL |
VSIG4 | V-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 4 | CRIg|Z39IG |
VSIR | V-set immunoregulatory receptor | B7-H5|B7H5|C10orf54|DD1alpha|GI24|PD-1H|PP2135|SISP1|VISTA |
VSNL1 | visinin like 1 | HLP3|HPCAL3|HUVISL1|VILIP|VILIP-1 |
VSTM2A | V-set and transmembrane domain containing 2A | VSTM2 |
VSTM2A-OT1 | VSTM2A overlapping transcript 1 | GS1-18A18.1 |
VSTM2L | V-set and transmembrane domain containing 2 like | C20orf102|dJ1118M15.2 |
VSTM4 | V-set and transmembrane domain containing 4 | C10orf72 |
VTA1 | vesicle trafficking 1 | C6orf55|DRG-1|DRG1|HSPC228|LIP5|My012|SBP1 |
VTCN1 | V-set domain containing T-cell activation inhibitor 1 | B7-H4|B7H4|B7S1|B7X|B7h.5|PRO1291|VCTN1 |
VTI1A | vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs 1A | MMDS3|MVti1|VTI1RP2|Vti1-rp2 |
VTI1B | vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs 1B | VTI1|VTI1-LIKE|VTI1L|VTI2|v-SNARE|vti1-rp1 |
VTN | vitronectin | V75|VN|VNT |
VWA1 | von Willebrand factor A domain containing 1 | WARP |
VWA2 | von Willebrand factor A domain containing 2 | AMACO|CCSP-2|NET42 |
VWA3A | von Willebrand factor A domain containing 3A | - |
VWA3B | von Willebrand factor A domain containing 3B | SCAR22 |
VWA5A | von Willebrand factor A domain containing 5A | BCSC-1|BCSC1|LOH11CR2A |
VWA5B2 | von Willebrand factor A domain containing 5B2 | - |
VWA8 | von Willebrand factor A domain containing 8 | KIAA0564 |
VWCE | von Willebrand factor C and EGF domains | URG11|VWC1 |
VWDE | von Willebrand factor D and EGF domains | - |
♦ No Approval Forms Required for Fluorescent Protein Genes Developed by Dr. Atsushi Miyawaki
♦ RIKEN BRC will be closed from December 28, 2024 through January 5, 2025 due to New Year's holidays.
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♦ Visualization of Organelles update (Dec 18, 2023)
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