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Minoru Yoshida's Resource

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Catalog #Name of cloneRunning titlePublication
RDB19905pBF101Expression vector of BSD (blasticidin-S deaminase) in a filamentous fungus, such as Pyricularia oryzae.Kimura, M., Cloning of the blasticidin S deaminase gene (BSD) from Aspergillus terreus and its use as a selectable marker for Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Pyricularia oryzae. Mol. Gen. Genet. 242 (2): 121-129 (1994). PMID 8159161. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB19904pBSA712Expression vector of lacZ:BSD (blasticidin-S deaminase) fusion in E. coli.Kimura, M., Cloning of the blasticidin S deaminase gene (BSD) from Aspergillus terreus and its use as a selectable marker for Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Pyricularia oryzae. Mol. Gen. Genet. 242 (2): 121-129 (1994). PMID 8159161. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06595pGFH148S. pombe expression vector with ADH1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06594pFFH148S. pombe expression vector with ADH1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06593pHFG148S. pombe expression vector with ADH1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06592pHFF148S. pombe expression vector with ADH1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06591pGFH81S. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06590pGFH41S. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06589pGFH1S. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06588pFFH81S. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06587pFFH41S. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06586pFFH1S. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06585pHFG81S. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06584pHFG41S. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06583pHFG1S. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06582pHFF81S. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06581pHFF41S. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06580pHFF1S. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06579pARG1BFS. pombe vector for chromosomal integrationMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06578pARG1HFS. pombe vector for chromosomal integrationMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06577pARG1UFS. pombe vector for chromosomal integrationMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06576pARG1KFS. pombe vector for chromosomal integrationMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06575pLYS1BFS. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06574pLYS1HFS. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06573pLYS1UFS. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06572pLYS1KFS. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06571pHIS3BFS. pombe vector for chromosomal integrationMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06570pHIS3HFS. pombe vector for chromosomal integrationMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06569pHIS3UFS. pombe vector for chromosomal integrationMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06568pHIS3KFS. pombe vector for chromosomal integrationMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06567pLYS1U-Pnmt1S. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06566pLYS1U-Ptub1S. pombe expression vector with tub1 promoterMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06565pHIS3U-Pnmt1S. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06564pHIS3K-Ptub1S. pombe expression vector with tub1 promoterMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06563pHIS3BS. pombe vector for chromosomal integrationMatsuyama, A,, A novel series of vectors for chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 374 (2): 315-319 (2008). PMID 18634753. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06562pHIS3HS. pombe vector for chromosomal integrationMatsuyama, A,, A novel series of vectors for chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 374 (2): 315-319 (2008). PMID 18634753. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06561pHIS3KS. pombe vector for chromosomal integrationMatsuyama, A,, A novel series of vectors for chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 374 (2): 315-319 (2008). PMID 18634753. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06560pHIS3US. pombe vector for chromosomal integrationMatsuyama, A,, A novel series of vectors for chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 374 (2): 315-319 (2008). PMID 18634753. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06559pARG1BS. pombe vector for chromosomal integrationMatsuyama, A,, A novel series of vectors for chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 374 (2): 315-319 (2008). PMID 18634753. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06558pARG1HS. pombe vector for chromosomal integrationMatsuyama, A,, A novel series of vectors for chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 374 (2): 315-319 (2008). PMID 18634753. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06557pARG1KS. pombe vector for chromosomal integrationMatsuyama, A,, A novel series of vectors for chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 374 (2): 315-319 (2008). PMID 18634753. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06556pARG1US. pombe vector for chromosomal integrationMatsuyama, A,, A novel series of vectors for chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 374 (2): 315-319 (2008). PMID 18634753. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06555pLYS1BS. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A,, A novel series of vectors for chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 374 (2): 315-319 (2008). PMID 18634753. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06554pLYS1HS. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A,, A novel series of vectors for chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 374 (2): 315-319 (2008). PMID 18634753. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06553pLYS1KS. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A,, A novel series of vectors for chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 374 (2): 315-319 (2008). PMID 18634753. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06552pLYS1US. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A,, A novel series of vectors for chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 374 (2): 315-319 (2008). PMID 18634753. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06551pDUAL2-CFH61S. pombe 3 ter end CFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with ef1a-c promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06550pDUAL2-FFH61S. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with ef1a-c promoterMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06549pDUAL2-HFF61S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with ef1a-c promoterMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06548pDUAL2-FFH21S. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with tub1 promoterMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06547pDUAL2-HFF21S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with tub1 promoterMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06546pDUAL-GFH61S. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with ef1a-c promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06545pDUAL-GFH51S. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with tif51 promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06544pDUAL-GFH31S. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with cam1 promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06543pDUAL-GFH21S. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with tub1 promoterMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06542pDUAL-HFG61S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with ef1a-c promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06541pDUAL-HFG51S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with tif51 promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06540pDUAL-HFG31S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with cam1 promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06539pDUAL-HFG21S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with tub1 promoterMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06538pDUAL-FFH61S. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with ef1a-c promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06537pDUAL-FFH51S. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with tif51 promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06536pDUAL-FFH31S. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with cam1 promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06535pDUAL-FFH21S. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with tub1 promoterMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06534pDUAL-HFF61S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with ef1a-c promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06533pDUAL-HFF51S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with tif51 promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06532pDUAL-HFF31S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with cam1 promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06531pDUAL-HFF21S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with tub1 promoterMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06530pDUAL-Ptub1S. pombe expression vector with tub1 promoterMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06529pDUAL-Pef1aS. pombe expression vector with ef1a-c promoterMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06528pDUAL-SS. pombe expression vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06527pHFG81-ccdB2S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06526pHFG41-ccdB2S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterSrinivasan, R., Bacillus anthracis tubulin-related protein Ba-TubZ assembles force-generating polymers. Cytoskeleton (Hoboken) 68(9): 501-511 (2011). PMID 21780309. (user_report). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06525pHFG1-ccdB2S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06524pHFF81-ccdB2S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06523pHFF41-ccdB2S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06522pHFF1-ccdB2S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06521pREP81-ccdB2S. pombe expression vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06520pREP41-ccdB2S. pombe vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06519pREP1-ccdB2S. pombe vector with nmt1 promoterStigliano, I.D., Glucosidase II and N-glycan mannose content regulate the half-lives of monoglucosylated species in vivo. Mol. Biol. Cell 22 (11): 1810-1823 (2011). PMID 21471007. (user_report). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06518pHIS3U-YFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end YFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06517pHIS3U-CFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end CFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06516pHIS3U-HFC1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-CFP-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06515pYFH1-ccdB2S. pombe 3 ter end YFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06514pCFH1-ccdB2S. pombe 3 ter end CFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06513pHFY1-ccdB2S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-YFP-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06512pHFC1-ccdB2S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-CFP-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06511pGFH81-ccdB2S. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06510pGFH41-ccdB2S. pombe 3 ter end GFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1(medium strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06509pGFH1-ccdB2S. pombe 3 ter end GFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06508pFFH81-ccdB2S. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06507pFFH41-ccdB2S. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06506pFFH1-ccdB2S. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06505pYFH1-ccdB2 rfAS. pombe 3 ter end YFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06504pYFH1-ccdB2 rfCS. pombe 3 ter end YFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06503pDUAL2-YFH21cS. pombe 3 ter end YFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06502pDUAL2-BFH81cS. pombe 3 ter end BFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06501pDUAL2-BFH41cS. pombe 3 ter end BFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06500pDUAL-GFH61cS. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with ef1a-c promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06499pDUAL-GFH51cS. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with tif51 promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06498pDUAL-GFH31cS. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with cam1 promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06497pDUAL-GFH21cS. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with tub1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06496pDUAL-HFG61cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with ef1a-c promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06495pDUAL-HFG51cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with tif51 promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06494pDUAL-HFG31cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with cam1 promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06493pDUAL-HFG21cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with tub1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06492pDUAL-FFH61cS. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with ef1a-c promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06491pDUAL-FFH51cS. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with tif51 promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06490pDUAL-FFH31cS. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with cam1 promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06489pDUAL-FFH21cS. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with tub1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06488pDUAL-HFF61cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with ef1a-c promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06487pDUAL-HFF51cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with tif51 promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06486pDUAL-HFF31cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with cam1 promoterMatsuyama, A., A series of promoters for constitutive expression of heterologous genes in fission yeast. Yeast, 25 (5):371-376 (2008). PMID 18437702. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06485pDUAL-HFF21cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with tub1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06484pDUAL-YFH1c rfCS. pombe 3 ter end YFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06483pDUAL-YFH1c rfAS. pombe 3 ter end YFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06482pDUAL-FFH1c rfCS. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06481pDUAL-FFH1c rfAS. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06480pARG1KF-CFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end CFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06479pLYS1U-YFH61cS. pombe 3 ter end YFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with ef1a-c promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06478pLYS1U-YFH21cS. pombe 3 ter end YFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with tub1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06477pLYS1U-YFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end YFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06476pLYS1U-HFY61cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-YFP-tagged vector with ef1a-c promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06475pLYS1U-HFY21cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-YFP-tagged vector with tub1 promoterIto, D., Pericentrin-mediated SAS-6 recruitment promotes centriole assembly. Elife 8. pii: e41418 (2019). PMID 31182187. (user_report). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06474pLYS1U-HFY1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-YFP-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterIto, D., Pericentrin-mediated SAS-6 recruitment promotes centriole assembly. Elife 8. pii: e41418 (2019). PMID 31182187. (user_report). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06473pLYS1U-HFG1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06472pLYS1U-HFF1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06471pLYS1U-HFC61cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-CFP-tagged vector with ef1a-c promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06470pLYS1U-HFC21cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-CFP-tagged vector with tub1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06469pLYS1U-HFC1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-CFP-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06468pLYS1U-GFH61cS. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with ef1a-c promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06467pLYS1U-GFH21cS. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with tub1 promoterIto, D., Pericentrin-mediated SAS-6 recruitment promotes centriole assembly. Elife 8. pii: e41418 (2019). PMID 31182187. (user_report). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06466pLYS1U-GFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06465pLYS1U-FFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06464pLYS1U-CFH61cS. pombe 3 ter end CFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with ef1a-c promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06463pLYS1U-CFH21cS. pombe 3 ter end CFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with tub1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06462pLYS1U-CFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end CFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06461pLYS1K-HFG1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06460pLYS1K-HFF1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06459pLYS1K-GFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06458pLYS1K-FFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06457pHIS3U-HFG1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06456pHIS3U-HFF1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06455pHIS3U-GFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06454pHIS3K-HFG1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06453pHIS3K-HFF1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06452pHIS3K-HFC21cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-CFP-tagged vector with tub1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06451pHIS3K-HFC1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-CFP-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06450pHIS3K-GFH61cS. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with ef1a-c promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06449pHIS3K-GFH21cS. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with tub1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06448pHIS3K-GFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06447pHIS3K-CFH61cS. pombe 3 ter end CFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with ef1a-c promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06446pHIS3K-CFH21cS. pombe 3 ter end CFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with tub1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06445pHIS3K-CFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end CFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06444pARG1U-HFG1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06443pARG1U-HFF1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06442pARG1U-GFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06441pARG1U-FFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06440pARG1K-HFG1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06439pARG1K-HFF1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06438pARG1K-GFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06437pARG1K-FFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., ORFeome cloning and global analysis of protein localization in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Nat. Biotechnol., 24, 841-847 (2006). PMID 16823372. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06204pDUAL2-GFH81S. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06203pDUAL2-GFH41S. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06202pDUAL2-GFH1S. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06201pDUAL2-FFH81S. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06200pDUAL2-FFH41S. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06199pDUAL2-FFH1S. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06198pDUAL2-HFG81S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06197pDUAL2-HFG41S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06196pDUAL2-HFG1S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06195pDUAL2-HFF81S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06194pDUAL2-HFF41S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06193pDUAL2-HFF1S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06192pDUAL2S. pombe pDUAL2 series backbone vectorMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06191pDUAL-YFH1S. pombe 3 ter end YFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06190pDUAL-GFH81S. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06189pDUAL-GFH41S. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06188pDUAL-GFH1S. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06187pDUAL-FFH81S. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06186pDUAL-FFH41S. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06185pDUAL-FFH1S. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06184pDUAL-HFG81S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06183pDUAL-HFG41S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06182pDUAL-HFG1S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06181pDUAL-HFF81S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06180pDUAL-HFF41S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06179pDUAL-HFF1S. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06178pDUALS. pombe pDUAL series backbone vectorMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06177pDUAL2-YFH81cS. pombe 3 ter end YFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06176pDUAL2-YFH41cS. pombe 3 ter end YFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06175pDUAL2-YFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end YFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06174pDUAL2-CFH81cS. pombe 3 ter end CFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06173pDUAL2-CFH41cS. pombe 3 ter end CFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06172pDUAL2-CFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end CFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06171pDUAL2-GFH81cS. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06170pDUAL2-GFH41cS. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06169pDUAL2-GFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06168pDUAL2-FFH81cS. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06167pDUAL2-FFH41cS. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06166pDUAL2-FFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06165pDUAL2-HFY81cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-YFP-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06164pDUAL2-HFY41cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-YFP-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06163pDUAL2-HFY1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-YFP-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06162pDUAL2-HFC81cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-CFP-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06161pDUAL2-HFC41cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-CFP-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06160pDUAL2-HFC1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-CFP-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterJakociunas, T., Two portable recombination enhancers direct donor choice in fission yeast heterochromatin. PLoS Genet., 9 (10): e1003762 (2013). PMID 24204285. (user_report). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06159pDUAL2-HFG81cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06158pDUAL2-HFG41cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06157pDUAL2-HFG1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06156pDUAL2-HFF81cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06155pDUAL2-HFF41cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06154pDUAL2-HFF1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06153pDUAL-YFH81cS. pombe 3 ter end YFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06152pDUAL-YFH41cS. pombe 3 ter end YFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterZhang, M.M., Quantitative control of protein S-palmitoylation regulates meiotic entry in fission yeast. PLoS Biol., 11 (7): e1001597 (2013). PMID 23843742. (user_report). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06151pDUAL-YFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end YFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterEckler, A.M., Haploinsufficiency of the Sec7 guanine nucleotide exchange factor gea1 impairs septation in fission yeast. PLoS One, 8 (2): e56807 (2013). PMID 23457617. (user_report). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06150pDUAL-CFH81cS. pombe 3 ter end CFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06149pDUAL-CFH41cS. pombe 3 ter end CFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06148pDUAL-CFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end CFP-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterZhao, D., Atg20- and Atg24-family proteins promote organelle autophagy in fission yeast. J. Cell Sci. 129 (22): 4289-4304 (2016). PMID 27737912. (user_report). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06147pDUAL-GFH81cS. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06146pDUAL-GFH41cS. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06145pDUAL-GFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end GFP(S65C)-FLAG-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06144pDUAL-FFH81cS. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06143pDUAL-FFH41cS. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06142pDUAL-FFH1cS. pombe 3 ter end FLAG2-His6-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06141pDUAL-HFY81cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-YFP-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06140pDUAL-HFY41cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-YFP-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06139pDUAL-HFY1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-YFP-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06138pDUAL-HFC81cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-CFP-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06137pDUAL-HFC41cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-CFP-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06136pDUAL-HFC1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-CFP-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterUnpublished bioresource
RDB06135pDUAL-HFG81cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06134pDUAL-HFG41cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06133pDUAL-HFG1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG-GFP(S65C)-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06132pDUAL-HFF81cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with nmt1 (low strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06131pDUAL-HFF41cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with nmt1 (medium strength) promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB06130pDUAL-HFF1cS. pombe 5 ter end His6-FLAG2-tagged vector with nmt1 promoterMatsuyama, A., pDUAL, a multipurpose, multicopy vector capable of chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Yeast,.21 (15):1289-1305 (2004). PMID 15546162. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]

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