S. pombe expression vector with tub1 promoter
Clone info. | S. pombe expression vector with tub1 promoter |
Vector backbone | pUC119 (Plasmid) |
Selectable markers | Amp^r |
Depositor|Developer | Yoshida, Minoru | Matsuyama, Akihisa | |
Sequence | RDB06564z.seq |
Please check terms and conditions set forth by the depositor, which are specified in the RIKEN BRC Catalog and/or Web Catalog.
Ordering forms | Order form [Credit Card Payment] [Bank Transfer Payment] [Example of order form ] MTA, for use for not-for-profit academic purpose [Word] [Example of MTA ] Please visit Information of Request for Distribution.[link] For for-profit-research purpose, please contact us. |
Terms and conditions for distribution | In publishing the research results obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, the RECIPIENT must cite the following literature (Matsuyama, A., Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012)) and state an acknowledgement to the DEPOSITOR. When the RECIPIENT wishes to sell the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE and/or its DERIVATIVES on commercial basis, the RECIPIENT must obtain a prior written permission from the DEPOSITOR . When requested by the DEPOSITOR, RIKEN BRC informs the DEPOSITOR on the RECIPIENT's name and his/her affiliation. |
必要書類 | 提供依頼書 [依頼書の記入例 ] 提供同意書 (MTA, 非営利学術目的用)[Word] [MTAの記入例 ] 手続きの概要は、「提供申込みについて[link]」をご覧ください。営利目的利用についてはお問い合わせください。 |
MTAに書く使用条件 | 利用者は、研究成果の公表にあたって寄託者の指定する文献 (Matsuyama, A., Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012)) の引用と、寄託者への謝辞の表明を必要とする。 利用者が本件リソース又はその派生物の販売を望む場合、書面により、寄託者の事前の承認を得る。 寄託者から要請がある場合、理研BRCは利用者情報のうち研究責任者の氏名ならびにその所属機関名を寄託者に通知する。 |
Catalog # | Resource name | Availability | Shipping form | Fee (non-profit org.) |
RDB06564 | pHIS3K-Ptub1 | Under QC test. Please contact us. | DNA solution |
Materials & Methods section:
The pHIS3K-Ptub1 was provided by the RIKEN BRC through the National BioResource Project of the MEXT, Japan (cat. RDB06564). |
Reference section:
Matsuyama, A., Yoshida, M., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. [link to RRC of NBRP] |
Further references such as user reports and related articles (go to bottom)
Please wait for results of QC test to be uploaded. This clone will be sequenced a portion for examination.
Original, user report and related articles
original | Matsuyama, A., Heterologous gene expression by chromosomal integration in fission yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. 824: 433-450 (2012). PMID 22160913. [link to RRC of NBRP] |
user_report | Wei, Y., SUMO-Targeted DNA Translocase Rrp2 Protects the Genome from Top2-Induced DNA Damage. Mol. Cell 66 (5): 581-596 (2017). PMID 28552615. [link to RRC of NBRP] |
user_report | Zhao, D., Atg20- and Atg24-family proteins promote organelle autophagy in fission yeast. J. Cell Sci. 129 (22): 4289-4304 (2016). PMID 27737912. [link to RRC of NBRP] |
user_report | Hu, W., Bulk Segregant Analysis Reveals the Genetic Basis of a Natural Trait Variation in Fission Yeast. Genome Biol. Evol. 7 (12): 3496-3510 (2015). PMID 26615217. [link to RRC of NBRP] |
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