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Toshihide Kobayashi's Resource

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Catalog #Name of cloneRunning titlePublication
RDB13964pET28/EryA-EGFP-His6Marker of sphingomyelin and cholesterol lipid domains. Bacterial expression plasmid of EGFP-His6-tagged EryA.Bhat, H.B., Evaluation of aegerolysins as novel tools to detect and visualize ceramide phosphoethanolamine, a major sphingolipid in invertebrates. FASEB J. 29 (9): 3920-3934 (2015). PMID 26060215. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB13963pET28/Oly-EGFP-His6Marker of sphingomyelin and cholesterol lipid domains. Bacterial expression plasmid of EGFP-His6-tagged Oly.Bhat, H.B., Evaluation of aegerolysins as novel tools to detect and visualize ceramide phosphoethanolamine, a major sphingolipid in invertebrates. FASEB J. 29 (9): 3920-3934 (2015). PMID 26060215. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB13962pET28/PlyA2-EGFP-His6Marker of sphingomyelin and cholesterol lipid domains. Bacterial expression plasmid of EGFP-His6-tagged PlyA2.Bhat, H.B., Binding of a pleurotolysin ortholog from Pleurotus eryngii to sphingomyelin and cholesterol-rich membrane domains. J. Lipid Res. 54 (10): 2933-2943 (2013). PMID 23918047. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB13961pET28/His6-EGFP-D4Marker of cholesterol-rich domain of the plasma membrane. Bacterial expression plasmid of His6-EGFP-tagged perfringolysin theta toxin D4 of C. perfringens.Shimada, Y., The C-terminal domain of perfringolysin O is an essential cholesterol-binding unit targeting to cholesterol-rich microdomains. Eur. J. Biochem. 269 (24): 6195-6203 (2002). PMID 12473115. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB13960pQE30/His6-mRFP-NT-LysMarker of sphingomyelin in cell membrane. Bacterial expression plasmid of His6-mRFP-tagged non toxic lysenin.Kiyokawa, E., Spatial and functional heterogeneity of sphingolipid-rich membrane domains. J. Biol. Chem. 280 (25): 24072-24084 (2005). PMID 15840575. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB13959pQE30/His6-Venus-NT-LysMarker of sphingomyelin in cell membrane. Bacterial expression plasmid of His6-Venus-tagged non toxic lysenin.Kiyokawa, E., Spatial and functional heterogeneity of sphingolipid-rich membrane domains. J. Biol. Chem. 280 (25): 24072-24084 (2005). PMID 15840575. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB13958pMAL/MBP-lyseninMarker of sphingomyelin in cell membrane. Bacterial expression plasmid of MBP-tagged lysenin.Kiyokawa, E., Recognition of sphingomyelin by lysenin and lysenin-related proteins. Biochemistry 43 (30): 9766-9773 (2004). PMID 15274631. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB13501pCAG/tdiRFP-CAAXMarker of plasma membrane. Mammalian expression plasmid of CAAX box protein.Makino, A., Visualization of the heterogeneous membrane distribution of sphingomyelin associated with cytokinesis, cell polarity, and sphingolipidosis. FASEB J. 29 (2): 477-493 (2015). PMID 25389132. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB13499pET28/His6-mCherry-NT-LysMarker of sphingomyelin in cell membrane. Bacterial expression plasmid of nontoxic Lysenin.Makino, A., Visualization of the heterogeneous membrane distribution of sphingomyelin associated with cytokinesis, cell polarity, and sphingolipidosis. FASEB J. 29 (2): 477-493 (2015). PMID 25389132. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB13498pET28/His6-EGFP-NT-LysMarker of sphingomyelin in cell membrane. Bacterial expression plasmid of nontoxic Lysenin.Makino, A., Visualization of the heterogeneous membrane distribution of sphingomyelin associated with cytokinesis, cell polarity, and sphingolipidosis. FASEB J. 29 (2): 477-493 (2015). PMID 25389132. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB13497pET28/EqtII(8-69)-EGFP-His6Marker of sphingomyelin in cell membrane. Bacterial expression plasmid of nontoxic Eqinatoxin II.Makino, A., Visualization of the heterogeneous membrane distribution of sphingomyelin associated with cytokinesis, cell polarity, and sphingolipidosis. FASEB J. 29 (2): 477-493 (2015). PMID 25389132. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB13496pET28/EqtII-EGFP-His6Marker of sphingomyelin in cell membrane. Bacterial expression plasmid of Eqinatoxin II.Makino, A., Visualization of the heterogeneous membrane distribution of sphingomyelin associated with cytokinesis, cell polarity, and sphingolipidosis. FASEB J. 29 (2): 477-493 (2015). PMID 25389132. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]

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