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Takuhiro Ito's Resource

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Catalog #Name of cloneRunning titlePublication
RDB17722pET28-3C-eIF2BaBacterial expression vector of human eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B subunit alpha (eIF2Balpha). Kashiwagi, K., Structural basis for eIF2B inhibition in integrated stress response. Science 364 (6439): 495-499 (2019). PMID 31048492. (original).
RDB17723pETDuet-eIF2Bd-eIF2BbBacterial expression vector of human eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B subunit beta (eIF2Bbeta) and human eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B subunit delta (eIF2Bdelta).Kashiwagi, K., Structural basis for eIF2B inhibition in integrated stress response. Science 364 (6439): 495-499 (2019). PMID 31048492. (original).
RDB17724pCOLA-3C-eIF2Be-eIF2BgBacterial expression vector of human eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B subunit gamma (eIF2Bgamma) and human eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B subunit epsilon (eIF2Bepsilon).Kashiwagi, K., Structural basis for eIF2B inhibition in integrated stress response. Science 364 (6439): 495-499 (2019). PMID 31048492. (original).
RDB17725pEBMulti-Neo-human-eIF2alphaExpression vector of human eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit alpha (eIF2alpha).Kashiwagi, K., Structural basis for eIF2B inhibition in integrated stress response. Science 364 (6439): 495-499 (2019). PMID 31048492. (original).
RDB17726pEBMulti-Neo-human-eIF2betaExpression vector of human eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit beta (eIF2beta).Kashiwagi, K., Structural basis for eIF2B inhibition in integrated stress response. Science 364 (6439): 495-499 (2019). PMID 31048492. (original).
RDB17727pEBMulti-Neo-human-eIF2gamma-FlagHis8Expression vector of human eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit gamma (eIF2gamma).Kashiwagi, K., Structural basis for eIF2B inhibition in integrated stress response. Science 364 (6439): 495-499 (2019). PMID 31048492. (original).
RDB17728pEBMulti-Neo-human-CDC123Expression vector of human cell division cycle 123 (CDC123).Kashiwagi, K., Structural basis for eIF2B inhibition in integrated stress response. Science 364 (6439): 495-499 (2019). PMID 31048492. (original).
RDB18639pEBMulti-Neo-human-eIF2alpha-PAExpression vector of human eIF2Balpha with PA-tag at C-terminus.Zyryanova, A.F., ISRIB blunts the integrated stress response by allosterically antagonising the inhibitory effect of phosphorylated eIF2 on eIF2B. Mol. Cell 81 (1): 88-103 (2021). PMID 33220178. (original).
RDB18640pEBMulti-Neo-human-eIF2alpha-S52A-PAExpression vector of human eIF2Balpha mutant (S52A) with PA-tag.Zyryanova, A.F., ISRIB blunts the integrated stress response by allosterically antagonising the inhibitory effect of phosphorylated eIF2 on eIF2B. Mol. Cell 81 (1): 88-103 (2021). PMID 33220178. (original).
RDB18641pETDuet-2B4-2B2_dE310KBacterial expression vector of human eIF2Bdelta mutant (E310K) and human eIF2Bbeta.Zyryanova, A.F., ISRIB blunts the integrated stress response by allosterically antagonising the inhibitory effect of phosphorylated eIF2 on eIF2B. Mol. Cell 81 (1): 88-103 (2021). PMID 33220178. (original).
RDB18642pETDuet-2B4-2B2_dL314QBacterial expression vector of human eIF2Bdelta mutant (L314Q) and human eIF2Bbeta.Zyryanova, A.F., ISRIB blunts the integrated stress response by allosterically antagonising the inhibitory effect of phosphorylated eIF2 on eIF2B. Mol. Cell 81 (1): 88-103 (2021). PMID 33220178. (original).

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