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Satoru Senju's Resource

Satoru Senju's web page in English /  in Japanese.

Learn more about their research, in English  /  in Japanese (by Reseachmap[link])

Catalog #Name of cloneRunning titlePublication
RDB01241DQA10102 KAS116 3-6DQA1*0102 cDNA, HLA- DQA1, expression, cDNAUnpublished bioresource
RDB01239DQA10501 AMALA-4DQA1*0501 cDNA, HLA- DQA1, expression, cDNAUnpublished bioresource
RDB01238DRB30301 EMJ-4DRB3*03:01 cDNA, HLA-DRB3, mouse H-2Kb promoter, expression, cDNAUnpublished bioresource
RDB01237K^b DRB1 1302DRB1*1302 cDNAUnpublished bioresource
RDB01236K^b DRB1 1201DRB1*1201 cDNAUnpublished bioresource
RDB01235K^b DRB1 0803DRB1*0803 cDNAUnpublished bioresource
RDB01234DPB0202DPB1-0202 cDNA, HLA- DPB1, cDNAUnpublished bioresource
RDB01233DPA 02022DPA*02022 cDNA, HLA- DPA1, cDNAUnpublished bioresource
RDB01230pg DQ1BSDQw6beta short, Short cytoplasmic from DQB, DQB1*0601, HLA-DQB1 (genomic DNA+cDNA)Senju, S., Allele-specific expression of the cytoplasmic exon of HLA-DQB1 gene. Immunogenetics, 36, 319-325 (1992). PMID 1644449. (original).

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