Resource data sheet
DNA Bank Top

K^b DRB1 0803 (#RDB01235)

DRB1*0803 cDNA

Drawn by SnapGene® software
Sequence (full) RDB01235hts01.seq
Additional map
Publication Unpublished bioresource
Test sheet RDB19888_B3Aip1-1.pdf 
Assembled from experimentally sequenced data.
Alternative name DRB1*0803 cDNA
Clone info. Human HLA-DRB1 cDNA from EBV-B cells TAB089 library, HLA-DRB1, H-2K^b promoter
Vector backbone pMAMneo (Plasmid)
Size of vector backbone 8,413 bp
Selectable markers Amp^r (E. coli), Neo^r (cell)
Gene/insert name Human HLA-DRB1 cDNA
Depositor|Developer Kimura, Akinori | Senju, Satoru |

Distribution information

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Catalog # Resource name Shipping form Fee (non-profit org.)
RDB01235 K^b DRB1 0803 DNA solution

How to cite this biological resource

Materials & Methods section:

The K^b DRB1 0803 was provided by the RIKEN BRC through the National BioResource Project of the MEXT, Japan (cat. RDB01235).

Reference section:

Further references such as user reports and related articles (go to bottom)


Original, user report and related articles