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Noriaki Shimizu's Resource

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Catalog #Name of cloneRunning titlePublication
RDB18711pD8Plasmid clone of 2,347 bp Chinese hamster D8 sequence, which was isolated from DHFR replication origin as a minimum sequence required for gene amplification.Hashizume, T., Dissection of mammalian replicators by a novel plasmid stability assay. J. Cell Biochem. 101 (3): 552-565 (2007). PMID 17226771. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB18710pC12Plasmid clone of 798 bp human C12 sequence, which was isolated from MYC replication origin as a minimum sequence required for gene amplification.Hashizume, T., Dissection of mammalian replicators by a novel plasmid stability assay. J. Cell Biochem. 101 (3): 552-565 (2007). PMID 17226771. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB18709pG5Plasmid clone of 972 bp human G5 sequence, which was isolated from beta-globin replication origin as a minimum sequence required for gene amplification.Okada, N., Dissection of the beta-globin replication-initiation region reveals specific requirements for replicator elements during gene amplification. PLoS One 8 (10): e77350 (2013). PMID 24124615. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB18708pB-3-31Plasmid clone of 3,271 bp human genomic sequence, B-3-31, which is known to enhance the expression of co-transfected expression vectors.Fukuma, M., Cloning and Characterization of a Human Genomic Sequence that Alleviates Repeat-Induced Gene Silencing. PLoS One 11 (4): e0153338 (2016). PMID 27078685. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB18707pdeltaBM.AR1.d2EGFPA clone for the IR/MAR gene amplification method. This clone is used for monitoring the gene amplification by observation of GFP fluorescence.Harada, S., Episomal high copy number maintenance of hairpin-capped DNA bearing a replication initiation region in human cells. J. Biol. Chem. 284 (36): 24320-24327 (2009). PMID 19617622. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB18706pdeltaBM.AR1.MCSA clone for the IR/MAR gene amplification method. By cloning an expression unit of interested gene into the MCS, amplified gene expression can be obtained.Araki, Y., Efficient recombinant production in mammalian cells using a novel IR/MAR gene amplification method. PLoS One, 7 (7): e41787 (2012). PMID 22844523. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB18705pdeltaBN.AR1A clone for the IR/MAR gene amplification method. Co-transfected expression vectors with this clone can be amplified in the transfected cells.Shimizu, N., Amplification of plasmids containing a mammalian replication initiation region is mediated by controllable conflict between replication and transcription. Cancer Res. 63 (17): 5281-5290 (2003). PMID 14500359. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB18704pSFVdhfrA clone for the IR/MAR gene amplification method. Co-transfected expression vectors with this clone can be amplified in the transfected cells. Shimizu, N., Plasmids with a mammalian replication origin and a matrix attachment region initiate the event similar to gene amplification. Cancer Res. 61 (19): 6987-6990 (2001). PMID 11585721. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB01198ETR103Human Egr- 1 cDNA, TPA early response geneShimizu, N., A gene coding for a zinc finger protein is induced during 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-stimulated HL-60 cell differentiation. J. Biochem., 111, 272-277 (1992). PMID 1569051. (original).
RDB01197ETR101Human Chx I (mouse), pip92 (mouse) like cDNA, TPA early response geneShimizu, N., Expression of a novel immediate early gene during 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-induced macrophagic differentiation of HL-60 cells. J. Biol. Chem., 266, 12157-12161 (1991). PMID 2061303. (original).

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