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Kiyoshi Kawakami's Resource

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Learn more about their research, in English  /  in Japanese (by Reseachmap[link])

Catalog #Name of cloneRunning titlePublication
RDB05984pAxCAEya1itShuttle vector to generate rAv expressing mouse Eya1Unpublished bioresource
RDB05983AxCAEya1itRecombinant adenovirus expressing mouse Eya1Unpublished bioresource
RDB05982pAxCAEya4it (forward)Shuttle vector to generate rAv expressing mouse Eya4Unpublished bioresource
RDB05981pAxCAEya3it (forward)Shuttle vector to generate rAv expressing mouse Eya3Unpublished bioresource
RDB05980pAxCAEya2it2 (forward)Shuttle vector to generate rAv expressing mouse Eya2Unpublished bioresource
RDB05979AxCAEya4itRecombinant adenovirus expressing mouse Eya4Unpublished bioresource
RDB05978AxCAEya3itRecombinant adenovirus expressing mouse Eya3Unpublished bioresource
RDB05977AxCAEya2it2Recombinant adenovirus expressing mouse Eya2Unpublished bioresource
RDB05827pAxCALNLfmSix1it2Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus harbouring mouse Six1Unpublished bioresource
RDB05826pAxCAfmSix1it2Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus harbouring mouse Six1Unpublished bioresource
RDB05814AxCALNLfmSix1it2Recombinant adenovirus expressing mouse Six1Unpublished bioresource
RDB05813AxCAfmSix1it2Recombinant adenovirus expressing mouse Six1Unpublished bioresource
RDB05734pHM6 Eya4 exon5+Expression vector of mouse Eya4Unpublished bioresource
RDB05733pHM6 Eya3Plasmid clone of mouse Eya3Ohto, H., Cooperation of six and eya in activation of their target genes through nuclear translocation of Eya. Mol. Cell. Biol., 19, 6815-6824 (1999). PMID 10490620. (original).
RDB05732pHM6 Eya1Expression vector of mouse Eya1Ohto, H., Cooperation of six and eya in activation of their target genes through nuclear translocation of Eya. Mol. Cell. Biol., 19, 6815-6824 (1999). PMID 10490620. (original).
RDB05731pHM6 Eya2Expression vector of mouse Eya2Ohto, H., Cooperation of six and eya in activation of their target genes through nuclear translocation of Eya. Mol. Cell. Biol., 19, 6815-6824 (1999). PMID 10490620. (original).
RDB05730pf Six1Expression vector of mouse Six1Ozaki, H., Impaired interactions between mouse Eyal harboring mutations found in patients with branchio-oto-renal syndrome and Six, Dach, and G proteins. J. Hum. Genet., 47, 107-116 (2002). PMID 11950062. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB01777Six5Plasmid clone of mouse DMAHP/Six5 cDNAKawakami, K., Identification and expression of six family genes in mouse retina. FEBS Lett., 393, 259-263 (1996). PMID 8814301. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB01776Six4 (SM type)Plasmid clone of mouse AREC3/Six4 cDNAKawakami, K., Structure, function and expression of a murine homeobox protein AREC3, a homologue of Drosophila sine oculis gene product, and implication in development. Nucleic Acids Res., 24, 303-310 (1996). PMID 8628654. (original).
RDB01775Six4 (M18 type)Plasmid clone of mouse AREC3/Six4 cDNAKawakami, K., Structure, function and expression of a murine homeobox protein AREC3, a homologue of Drosophila sine oculis gene product, and implication in development. Nucleic Acids Res., 24, 303-310 (1996). PMID 8628654. (original).
RDB01774Six4 (M8 type)Plasmid clone of mouse AREC3/Six4 cDNAKawakami, K., Structure, function and expression of a murine homeobox protein AREC3, a homologue of Drosophila sine oculis gene product, and implication in development. Nucleic Acids Res., 24, 303-310 (1996). PMID 8628654. (original).
RDB01773Six3 betaMouse sine oculis-related homeobox 3 beta cDNAKawakami, K., Identification and expression of six family genes in mouse retina. FEBS Lett., 393, 259-263 (1996). PMID 8814301. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB01772Six3 alphaMouse sine oculis-related homeobox 3 alpha cDNAKawakami, K., Identification and expression of six family genes in mouse retina. FEBS Lett., 393, 259-263 (1996). PMID 8814301. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB01771Six2Mouse sine oculis-related homeobox 2 cDNAKawakami, K., Identification and expression of six family genes in mouse retina. FEBS Lett., 393, 259-263 (1996). PMID 8814301. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB01288RNKA2110Rat Na, K-ATPase alpha2 subunit genomic DNAKawakami, K., Regulation of Na+,K(+)-ATPases. I. Cloning and analysis of the 5'-flanking region of the rat NKAA2 gene encoding the alpha 2 subunit. Gene, 91, 267-270 (1990). PMID 2170235. (original).

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