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mCherry-hGeminin(1/60) / pCSII-EF

Lentivirus vector plasmid of S/G2/M-R(NC).

Catalog number RDB15270
Resource name mCherry-hGeminin(1/60) / pCSII-EF
Clone info. Lentivirus vector plasmid of S/G2/M-R(NC). Fluorescence was detected in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
Comment For the composition, refer Fig.1 of Sakaue-Sawano, A., Chem. Biol. 15 (12): 1243-1248 (2008). Please note that Zeo resistance marker is not included in the lentivirus produced from this vector.
Vector backbone CSII-EF-MCS (plasmid)
Size of vector backbone 9.1 kb
Selectable markers Please note that Zeo resistance marker is not included in the lentivirus produced from this vector. E. coli: Amp^r.
Gene/insert name human Geminin cDNA Discosoma sp. RFP cDNA
Depositor|Developer Miyawaki, Atsushi |
Other clones in our bank

External Database
human Geminin Discosoma sp. RFP

          Reference sequence
          Lentiviral plasmid list. [link]

          Distribution information

          Please check terms and conditions set forth by the depositor, which are specified in the RIKEN BRC Catalog and/or Web Catalog.
          Terms and conditions set forth by the DEPOSITOR 1. A RECIPIENT who belongs to a non-profit organization may use the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE for an academic research that is non-commercial.
          2. In publishing the research results obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, citations of literature designated by the DEPOSITOR or an acknowledgment to the DEPOSITOR are requested.
          Sakaue-Sawano A, Ohtawa K, Hama H, Kawano M, Ogawa M, Miyawaki A. (2008) Tracing the Silhouette of Individual Cells in S/G2/M Phases with Fluorescence. Chemistry & Biology, 15: 1243-1248.
          Sakaue-Sawano A, Kobayashi T, Ohtawa K, Miyawaki A. (2011) Drug-induced cell cycle modulation leading to cell-cycle arrest, nuclear mis-segregation, or endoreplication. BMC Cell Biology, 12: 2.
          3. The RECIPIENT agrees to provide a copy of the publication to the DEPOSITOR, oral or written, reporting use of the MATERIAL.
          4. The Recipient's Scientist agrees not to transfer the MATERIAL to any third party including any resource centers without the prior written consent of DEPOSITOR.
          5. The RECIPIENT shall obtain written approval from the UCSD using the MTA provided by the Technology Transfer office of UCSD.
          Additional terms and conditions for distribution The RECIPIENT agrees to expressly describe the late Dr. Hiroyuki Miyoshi as the Developer of the lentivirus vector.
          Ordering Please visit Ordering instruction.[link] 
          Order form 
          [Credit Card Payment]  [Bank Transfer Payment]
          Material Transfer Agreement (MTA, for use for not-for-profit academic purpose)[Word]
          Remarks Remember that you will be working with samples containing infectious virus.
          This RESOURCE contains a fluorescent protein provided by Prof. Roger Tsien. UCSD's MTA is also required. Please visit Additional Forms section. This RESOURCE is not provided to for-profit organization or for for-profit research by non-profit organizations.
          提供案内 (日本国内) [open/close]

          提供条件 1. A RECIPIENT who belongs to a non-profit organization may use the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE for an academic research that is non-commercial.
          2. In publishing the research results obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, citations of literature designated by the DEPOSITOR or an acknowledgment to the DEPOSITOR are requested.
          Sakaue-Sawano A, Ohtawa K, Hama H, Kawano M, Ogawa M, Miyawaki A. (2008) Tracing the Silhouette of Individual Cells in S/G2/M Phases with Fluorescence. Chemistry & Biology, 15: 1243-1248.
          Sakaue-Sawano A, Kobayashi T, Ohtawa K, Miyawaki A. (2011) Drug-induced cell cycle modulation leading to cell-cycle arrest, nuclear mis-segregation, or endoreplication. BMC Cell Biology, 12: 2.
          3. The RECIPIENT agrees to provide a copy of the publication to the DEPOSITOR, oral or written, reporting use of the MATERIAL.
          4. The Recipient's Scientist agrees not to transfer the MATERIAL to any third party including any resource centers without the prior written consent of DEPOSITOR.
          5. The RECIPIENT shall obtain written approval from the UCSD using the MTA provided by the Technology Transfer office of UCSD.
          付加的提供条件 レンチウイルスベクターについて、本件研究材料を利用した研究結果等を発表する際は、レンチウイルスベクターが故三好浩之博士により開発されたことを明示する。
          提供依頼 手続きの詳細は、「レンチウイルスベクターの提供申し込み」をご覧ください。
          提供依頼書 [Word]
          提供同意書 (非営利機関による非営利学術研究用)[Word]
          備考 【追加提供依頼書】受入れ確認書(書式J)
          Prof. Roger Tsienから供与された蛍光タンパク質を含みます。UCSDとのMTA締結が必要です。「申込みに必要な書式」をご覧ください。本件リソースは営利機関および非営利機関による営利目的研究には提供いたしません。

          Catalog # Resource name Availability Shipping form Fee (non-profit org.)
          RDB15270 mCherry-hGeminin(1/60) / pCSII-EF Under QC test. Please contact us. DNA solution

          check Please wait for results of QC test to be uploaded. This clone will be sequenced a portion for examination.
          Ordering instruction of plasmids [in Japanese] [in English]

          References and tips

          Electronic file

          Original reference

          original Sakaue-Sawano, A., Tracing the silhouette of individual cells in S/G2/M phases with fluorescence. Chem. Biol. 15 (12): 1243-1248 (2008). PMID 19101468.

          Further references such as user reports and related articles (go to bottom)

          Featured content

          Featured content Fucci-related materials (en) (English text)
          Featured content Fucci-related materials (ja) (Japanese text)

          Sequence information

          check Please wait for results of QC test to be uploaded. This clone will be sequenced a portion for examination.


          Original, user report and related articles

          original Sakaue-Sawano, A., Tracing the silhouette of individual cells in S/G2/M phases with fluorescence. Chem. Biol. 15 (12): 1243-1248 (2008). PMID 19101468.
          reference Cadart, C., Size control in mammalian cells involves modulation of both growth rate and cell cycle duration. Nat. Commun. 9 (1): 3275 (2018). PMID 30115907.
          reference Zielke, N., FUCCI sensors: powerful new tools for analysis of cell proliferation. Wiley Interdiscip. Rev. Dev. Biol. 4 (5): 469-487 (2015). PMID 25827130.
