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Catalog # | Name of clone | Running title | Publication |
RDB08094 | pha011 h10 (Chicken c-FLIP) | Plasmid clone of chicken c-Flar cDNA | Unpublished bioresource |
RDB08093 | CFW93-A12 (Stickleback cFLIP) | Expression vector of Gasterosteus aculeatus cflar cDNA | Unpublished bioresource |
RDB08092 | CGX22-G11 (stickleback caspase-10) | Expression vector of Gasterosteus aculeatus caspase-10 cDNA | Unpublished bioresource |
RDB08091 | CFW87-C06 (Stickleback caspase-8) | Expression vector of Gasterosteus aculeatus cDNA | Unpublished bioresource |
RDB08090 | CCHX3198 (Acropoea caspase-8) | Plasmid clone of Acropora palmata caspase-8 cDNA | Unpublished bioresource |
RDB08089 | MUS17-H18 (Mussel caspase-8) | Plasmid clone of Mytilus californianus caspase-8 cDNA | Unpublished bioresource |
RDB08088 | MUW12-D02 (Mussel caspase-8-like) | Plasmid vector of Mytilus californianus capase-8-like protein cDNA | Unpublished bioresource |
RDB08087 | Olrf21p05 (Xenopus c-FLIP) | Expression vector of Xenopus laevis cFLAR cDNA | Unpublished bioresource |
RDB08086 | bfad038a13 (Lancelet FADD-like) | Plasmid clone of Branchiostoma floridae FADD-like cDNA | Unpublished bioresource |
RDB08085 | G825P5120RA7 (Acorn worm FADD) | Expression vector of Saccoglossus kowalevskii FADD cDNA | Unpublished bioresource |
RDB08084 | CBAZ6079 (Tubifex caspase-8) | Expression vector of Tubifex tubifex caspase-8 cDNA | Unpublished bioresource |
RDB08082 | MPMGp1174D0841Q (Paracentrotus lividus FADD) | Plasmid clone of Paracentrotus lividus FADD cDNA | Unpublished bioresource |
RDB08081 | MPMGp1174L1811Q (Paracentrotus lividus caspase-8) | Plasmid clone of Paracentrotus lividus caspase-8 cDNA | Sakamaki, K., Caspases: evolutionary aspects of their functions in vertebrates. J. Fish Biol., 74, 727-753 (2009). PMID 20735596. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP] |
RDB08080 | mtgd021e23 (Molgula tectiformis FADD) | Plasmid clone of Molgula tectiformis FADD cDNA, Gateway entry clone | Sakamaki, K., The evolutionary conservation of the core components necessary for the extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway, in Medaka fish. BMC Genomics, 8, 141 (2007). PMID 17540041. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP] |
RDB08079 | mtlv019a23 (Molgula tectiformis caspase-8) | Plasmid clone of Molgula tectiformis caspase-8 cDNA, Gateway entry clone | Sakata, S., Conserved function of caspase-8 in apoptosis during bony fish evolution. Gene. Gene, 396, 134-148 (2007). PMID 17459614. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP] |
RDB08078 | pgpln.pk012.n7 (Chicken caspase-18) | Expression vector of chicken caspase-18 cDNA | Sakata, S., Conserved function of caspase-8 in apoptosis during bony fish evolution. Gene. Gene, 396, 134-148 (2007). PMID 17459614. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP] |
RDB08077 | pCS111-XtFas (Xenopus Fas) | Expression vector of Xenopus tropicalis Fas cDNA | Sakamaki, K., The evolutionary conservation of the core components necessary for the extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway, in Medaka fish. BMC Genomics, 8, 141 (2007). PMID 17540041. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP] |
RDB08076 | pxlFADD (Xenopus FADD) | Plasmid clone of Xenopus laevis FADD cDNA | Sakamaki, K., The adaptor molecule FADD from Xenopus laevis demonstrates evolutionary conservation of its pro-apoptotic activity. Genes Cells, 9, 1249-1264 (2004). PMID 15569156. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP] |
RDB08075 | PBX0108H11 (Xenopus Bid) | Plasmid clone of Xenopus laevis Bid cDNA | Kominami, K., The initiator caspase, caspase-10beta, and the BH-3-only molecule, Bid, demonstrate evolutionary conservation in Xenopus of their pro-apoptotic activities in the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways. Genes Cells, 11, 701-717 (2006). PMID 16824191. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP] |
RDB08074 | pME18S-zCasp8 (Zebrafish caspase-8) | Expression vector of zebrafish caspase-8 cDNA | Sakata, S., Conserved function of caspase-8 in apoptosis during bony fish evolution. Gene. Gene, 396, 134-148 (2007). PMID 17459614. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP] |
RDB08073 | pmmFLIP (Mouse c-FLIP) | Expression vector of mouse cFlar(L) cDNA | Unpublished bioresource |
RDB08072 | pmmCasp7 (Mouse caspase-7) | Plasmid clone of mouse caspase-7 cDNA | Unpublished bioresource |
RDB08071 | pmmCasp8 (Mouse caspase-8) | Plasmid clone of mouse caspase-8 cDNA | Sakamaki, K., Molecular cloning and characterization of mouse caspase-8. Eur. J. Biochem., 253, 399-405 (1998). PMID 9654089. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP] |
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