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RIKEN DNA Bank S. pombe Gene Resource - atg1

Gene ID NCBI Gene 2539461 |  KEGG spo:SPCC63.08c
Gene Symbol atg1
Synonyms cvt10|ppk36
Protein Name autophagy and CVT pathway serine/threonine protein kinase Atg1
Ortholog resources KEGG ortholog (KEGG orthology K08269) in the DNA Bank
Featured content Autophagy (S. pombe)


  KEGG gene

  KEGG Ortholog

  S. pombe Postgenome Database

List of S. pombe Postgenome Database Clone

Plasmid request [in Japanese] [in English]

Clone group Clones
29/D03 SpENT29D03 Entry vector, SpFFH29D03 FLAG2-His6-tag vector, SpYFH29D03 YFP-FLAG-His6-tag vector.



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