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RIKEN DNA Bank Human Resource - MAZ

Gene ID NCBI Gene 4150 |  KEGG hsa:4150
Gene Symbol MAZ
Protein Name MYC associated zinc finger protein
Synonyms PUR1|Pur-1|SAF-1|SAF-2|SAF-3|ZF87|ZNF801|Zif87


Ortholog resource in our bank

External database

human MAZ

Individualy Deposited Resource

Catalog number Name of Resource Description CDS comparison
Refered (NCBI mRNA) CDS status(1)
RDB05974 pGEX-MAZ-delta34 Human MAZ cDNA    
RDB05973 pGEX-MAZ-delta4 Human MAZ cDNA    
RDB05972 pGEX-MAZ-delta3 Human MAZ cDNA    
RDB05971 pGEX-MAZ-X Human MAZ cDNA    
RDB05701 pGEX-hMAZ Expression vector of human MAZ in E. coli    
RDB04788 pCMV-MAZ Human MAZ cDNA is cloned into EcoRI site of pcDNA3    
RDB04274 pCMV-MAZ delta 127-292 Expression vector of human MAZ    
RDB04273 pCMV-MAZ delta 54-195 Expression vector of human MAZ    
RDB04272 pCMV-MAZ delta 1-53 Expression vector of human MAZ    
RDB03331 pB42AD-MAZ13 (forward) Plasmid clone of human MAZ for yeast two-hybrid system    
RDB03330 pB42AD-MAZ12(forward) Plasmid clone of human MAZ for yeast two-hybrid system    
RDB03329 pB42AD-MAZ10(forward) Plasmid clone of human MAZ for yeast two-hybrid system    
RDB03328 pB42AD-MAZ9 (forward) Plasmid clone of human MAZ for yeast two-hybrid system    
RDB03327 pB42AD-ZFNo.1 (reverse) Plasmid clone of human MAZ for yeast two-hybrid system    
RDB03326 pB42AD-ZFNo.1 (forward) Plasmid clone of human MAZ for yeast two-hybrid system    
RDB03325 pB42AD-MAZ4 (forward) Plasmid clone of human MAZ for yeast two-hybrid system    
RDB03324 pB42AD-MAZ (reverse) Plasmid clone of human MAZ for yeast two-hybrid system    
RDB03323 pB42AD-MAZ (forward) Plasmid clone of human MAZ for yeast two-hybrid system    
RDB03219 pCMV-MAZ Human MAZ cDNA is cloned into EcoRI site of pcDNA3    
RDB02831 pAxCALNLCBPhMAZHis (reverse) Shuttle vector to generate rAd harboring MAZ    
RDB02830 pAxCALNLCBPhMAZHis (forward) Shuttle vector to generate rAd expressing human MAZ    
RDB02703 pAxCALNLhMAZHis (reverse) Shuttle vector to produce rAd expressing human MAZ    
RDB02702 pAxCALNLhMAZHis (forward) Shuttle vector to produce rAd expressing human MAZ    
RDB02682 pAxCALNLhSMAZ (reverse) Shuttle vector to produce rAd expressing human MAZ    
RDB02681 pAxCALNLhSMAZ (forward) Shuttle vector to produce rAd expressing human MAZ    
RDB02600 pAxCACBPhMAZHis (reverse) Shuttle vector to generate rAd harboring human MAZ cDNA    
RDB02599 pAxCACBPhMAZHis (forward) Shuttle vector to produce rAd expressing human MAZ    
RDB02598 pAxCAhMAZHis (reverse) Shuttle vector to generate rAd harboring human MAZ cDNA    
RDB02597 pAxCAhMAZHis (forward) Shuttle vector to produce rAd expressing human MAZ    
RDB02487 pAxCAhSMAZ (reverse) Shuttle vector to produce rAd expressing human MAZ    
RDB02486 pAxCAhSMAZ (forward) Shuttle vector to produce rAd expressing human MAZ    

(1) CDS status was determined by comparing the plasmid sequence with NCBI RefSeq mRNA.


Genome Network Project (GNP) Human cDNA Clone

Plasmid request [in Japanese] [in English]

Catalog number Clone name Vector Sequence submitted (DDBJ)(1) CDS comparison
Refered (NCBI mRNA) CDS status(2)
HGX016908 IRAK042E12 pCMV-SPORT6 BC039057 NM_002383 Partial/var
HGY097689 IRAL044D17 pOTB7 BC041629 NM_002383 Partial/var

(1) Actual nucleotide sequence of this clone submitted to the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ)/EMBL/Genbank.
(2) CDS status was determined by comparing the plasmid sequence with NCBI RefSeq mRNA.
♦ Full, whole CDS.
♦ Full/var, whole CDS though with ins/dels or substitution.
♦ Partial, partial CDS
♦ Partial/var, partial CDS though with ins/dels or substitution.


NRCD Human cDNA Clone

Plasmid request [in Japanese] [in English]

Catalog number Clone name Vector CDS comparison Status
Refered mRNA(1) CDS status
5'-terminal sequence(2)
HKR054431 ARe36B07 pKA1U5 NM_002383.2  
HKR172056 ARi30C08 pGCAP10 NM_002383.2  
HKR342802 RBb57A02 pGCAP1 NM_002383.2  
HKR371250 RBd28C02 pGCAP10 NM_002383.2  
HKR406208 RBdS015I16 pGCAP10 NM_002383.2  
HKR444165 RBdS110G21 pGCAP10 NM_002383.2  

♦ Full length sequence is not available. The clone could differ from the NCBI mRNA reference sequence.
♦ These clones have very long transcript since they were constructed by the method "Vector Capping."
(1) Refference sequence either NCBI mRNA or DDBJ DNA identified by the 5' terminal sequence.
(2) 5' terminal sequence of the insert provided from the depositor.



Homo_sapiens_gene_info230514.csv - RDB_hum_GIxxxxxxxxx_html_240727.pl