Resource data sheet
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pMRX-puro-mStr-Rab40B-N126I (#RDB20770)

Expression vector of mouse mStrawberry-Rab40B constitutive negative mutant (N126I).

Drawn by SnapGene® software
Sequence information
(Assembled from experimentally sequenced data)
GenBank Fla File Format
Publication Osaki, F., J. Cell Sci. 134 (7): jcs257311 (2021). PMID 33712449. [link to RRC of NBRP]
Test sheet Data Sheet 
Clone info. Expression vector of mouse mStrawberry-Rab40B constitutive negative mutant (N126I)
Vector backbone pMRX-puro-mStr (plasmid)
Growth conditions LB+Amp, 37oC
Gene/insert name mouse Rab40b cDNA.
Depositor|Developer Fukuda, Mitsunori |

Distribution information

Please check terms and conditions set forth by the depositor, which are specified in the RIKEN BRC Catalog and/or Web Catalog.
Ordering forms
Order form [Credit Card Payment] [Bank Transfer Payment] [Example of order form ]
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Please visit Information of Request for Distribution.[link] 
Terms and conditions for distribution In publishing the research results obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, a citation of the following literature(s) designated by the DEPOSITOR is requested. (Osaki, F. et al. J. Cell Sci. 134 (7), jcs.257311, 2021) For use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE by a for-profit organization or for use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE for for-profit research by not-for-profit organization, the RECIPIENT must obtain a prior written consent from the Tohoku University.
Additional terms and conditions:
Regarding pMRX vector: In publishing the research results obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, a citation of literatures for pMX and pMRX vectors (Kitamura, T., Exp. Hematol. 31 (11): 1007-1014, 2003; Saitoh T., J. Biol. Chem. 278 (38): 36005-36012, 2003) is requested.
Remarks Remember that you will be working with samples containing infectious virus.
This RESOURCE contains a fluorescent protein provided by Prof. Roger Tsien. UCSD's MTA is also required. Please visit Additional Forms section. This RESOURCE is not provided to for-profit organization or for for-profit research by non-profit organizations.
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提供同意書 (MTA, 非営利学術目的用)[Word] [MTAの記入例 ]
MTAに書く使用条件 利用者は、研究成果の公表にあたって寄託者の指定する文献を引用する(Osaki, F. et al. J. Cell Sci. 134 (7), jcs.257311, 2021)。営利機関の利用もしくは非営利学術機関による営利目的研究利用の場合は、東北大学の許可を得ること。
pMRXベクターについて:利用者は、研究成果の公表にあたって pMXならびにpMRXベクターの文献 (Kitamura, T., Exp. Hematol. 31 (11): 1007-1014, 2003; Saitoh T., J. Biol. Chem. 278 (38): 36005-36012, 2003) の引用を必要とする。
備考 このリソースはウイルス粒子産生用のため、取扱いに注意が必要です。
Prof. Roger Tsienから供与された蛍光タンパク質を含みます。UCSDとのMTA締結が必要です。「申込みに必要な書式」をご覧ください。本件リソースは営利機関および非営利機関による営利目的研究には提供いたしません。

Catalog # Resource name Shipping form Fee
RDB20770 pMRX-puro-mStr-Rab40B-N126I DNA solution JPY 9,460 (not-for-profit academic purpose)
plus cost of shipping containers, dry ice (if required) and shipping charge

How to cite this biological resource

Materials & Methods section:

The pMRX-puro-mStr-Rab40B-N126I was provided by the RIKEN BRC through the National BioResource Project of the MEXT, Japan (cat. RDB20770).

Reference section:

Osaki, F., Matsui, T., Hiragi, S., Homma, Y., Fukuda, M., RBD11, a bioengineered Rab11-binding module for visualizing and analyzing endogenous Rab11. J. Cell Sci. 134 (7): jcs257311 (2021). PMID 33712449. [link to RRC of NBRP]

Further references such as user reports and related articles (go to bottom)


Original, user report and related articles

original Osaki, F., RBD11, a bioengineered Rab11-binding module for visualizing and analyzing endogenous Rab11. J. Cell Sci. 134 (7): jcs257311 (2021). PMID 33712449. [link to RRC of NBRP]
reference Itoh, T., Screening for target Rabs of TBC (Tre-2/Bub2/Cdc16) domain-containing proteins based on their Rab-binding activity. Genes Cells 11 (9): 1023-1037 (2006). PMID 16923123. [link to RRC of NBRP]