Resource data sheet
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pMK286 (mAID-NeoR) (#RDB13929)

A plasmid for construction of C-terminal mAID tagging donors.

Alternative name mAID-NeoR, 1006
Clone info. A plasmid for construction of C-terminal mAID tagging donors. Please refer Fig. 4 of Natsume, T., Cell Reports 15, 210-218 (2016) for an instruction about how to use this clone. Please note that this plasmid does not contain the loxP sites, which are intended for removal of the marker.
Comment Sequence analysis is not reliable around MluI site adjacent to SV40 poly(A) site probably because of tangled tertiary structure induced by unexpected palindrome sequences. To make 0.5 M stock solution, dissolve indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) (Sigma-Aldrich, 45533) or 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) (Sigma-Aldrich, 35745) in 100 % DMSO. IAA solution can be made in 100 % ethanol. Aliquots can be kept for 6 months in the dark at -20oC (Devrekanli, A., Kanemaki, M.T. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1369, 257-278, 2016).
Vector backbone pBluescriptII KS- (Plasmid)
Size of vector backbone 3.0 kb
Selectable markers Am^r
Growth conditions LB+Amp, 37oC
Gene/insert name Arabidopsis thaliana AtIAA17 cDNA
Depositor|Developer Kanemaki, Masato |
Sequence (full) RDB13929hts01.seq checkAssembled from experimentally sequenced data.
Publication Natsume, T., Cell Rep. 15 (1): 210-218 (2016). [link to RRC of NBRP]
Test sheet RDB13929C0p1-1.pdf 

Distribution information

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Terms and conditions for distribution In publishing the research results obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, a citation of the following literature designated by the DEPOSITOR is requested (Natsume, T., Cell Reports, 15: 210-218, 2016). This DNA clone is used for academic research purpose only. This is not to be used on a commercial basis. For use of this DNA clone except for internal academic research, the RECIPIENT must contact a NIG license representative at
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MTAに書く使用条件 利用者は、研究成果の公表にあたって寄託者の指定する文献を引用する (Natsume, T., Cell Reports, 15: 210-218, 2016)。学術研究にのみ限定、商業営利目的利用を禁ずる。学術内部利用以外の利用の際は、国立遺伝学研究所 ( に相談すること。

Catalog # Resource name Shipping form Fee (non-profit org.)
RDB13929 pMK286 (mAID-NeoR) DNA solution

How to cite this biological resource

Materials & Methods section:

The pMK286 (mAID-NeoR) was provided by the RIKEN BRC through the National BioResource Project of the MEXT, Japan (cat. RDB13929).

Reference section:

Natsume, T., Kiyomitsu, T., Saga, Y., Kanemaki, M.T., Rapid protein depletion in human cells by auxin-inducible degron tagging with short homology donors. Cell Rep. 15 (1): 210-218 (2016). PMID 27052166. [link to RRC of NBRP]

Further references such as user reports and related articles (go to bottom)


Original, user report and related articles

original Natsume, T., Rapid protein depletion in human cells by auxin-inducible degron tagging with short homology donors. Cell Rep. 15 (1): 210-218 (2016). PMID 27052166. [link to RRC of NBRP]
reference Chen, F.X., PAF1 regulation of promoter-proximal pause release via enhancer activation. Science 357 (6357): 1294-1298 (2017). PMID 28860207.
reference Natsume, T., Acute inactivation of the replicative helicase in human cells triggers MCM8-9-dependent DNA synthesis. Genes Dev. (2017). PMID 28487407.
reference Devrekanli, A., Conditional Budding Yeast Mutants with Temperature-Sensitive and Auxin-Inducible Degrons for Screening of Suppressor Genes. Methods in Molecular Biology 1369: 257-278 (2016). PMID 26519318.
reference Nishimura, K., Rapid Depletion of Budding Yeast Proteins via the Fusion of an Auxin-Inducible Degron (AID). Curr. Protoc. Cell Biol. \64: 20.9.1-16 (2014). PMID 25181302.