Resource data sheet
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CS-UbC-hOct3/4-IRES2-Venus (#RDB12913)

Lentivirus vector plasmid of human OCT3/4 for generating iPS cells.

Clone info. Lentivirus vector plasmid of human OCT3/4 for generating iPS cells.
Comment Commonly requested with pCMV-VSV-G-RSV-Rev (RDB04393) and pCAG-HIVgp (RDB04394).
Vector backbone Plasmid
Selectable markers Ampicillin (E. coli). Please note that Zeo resistance marker is not included in the lentivirus produced from this vector.
Gene/insert name Human POU5F1 cDNA
Depositor|Developer Miyoshi, Hiroyuki |
Sequence (full) RDB12913hts01.seq checkAssembled from experimentally sequenced data.
Publication Unpublished bioresource
Test sheet RDB12913C0p1-1.pdf 

Distribution information

Please check terms and conditions set forth by the depositor, which are specified in the RIKEN BRC Catalog and/or Web Catalog.
Ordering forms
Order form [Credit Card Payment] [Bank Transfer Payment] [Example of order form ]
MTA, for use for not-for-profit academic purpose [Word] [Example of MTA ]
Please visit Ordering instruction.[link] 
Terms and conditions for distribution The availability of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE is limited to a RECIPIENT of a not-for profit institution for a not-for-profit academic purpose. The RECIPIENT agrees to expressly describe the late Dr. Hiroyuki Miyoshi as the Developer.
Additional terms and conditions:
When publishing the results obtained using the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, a citation of literature specified by Dr. Atsushi Miyawaki or an acknowledgement to Dr. Miyawaki is requested.
Nagai, T. et al., Nat. Biotechnol. 20: 87-90 (2002).
Remarks ((Remarks)) Remember that you will be working with samples containing infectious virus.
Please contact us. We will provide you with appropriate documents.
Gateway® Expression clone. Please refer Life Technologies Corporation signs license agreement with RIKEN BRC.
提供案内 (日本国内) [open/close]

提供依頼書  [依頼書の記入例 ]
提供同意書 (MTA, 非営利学術目的用)[Word] [MTAの記入例 ]
MTAに書く使用条件 本件研究材料は、非営利機関の非営利学術研究に限って提供する。本件研究材料を利用した研究結果等を発表する際は、本件研究材料が故三好浩之博士により開発されたことを明示する。
When publishing the results obtained using the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, a citation of literature specified by Dr. Atsushi Miyawaki or an acknowledgement to Dr. Miyawaki is requested.
Nagai, T. et al., Nat. Biotechnol. 20: 87-90 (2002).
備考 【使用上の注意】このリソースはウイルス粒子産生用のため、取扱いに注意が必要です。

Catalog # Resource name Shipping form Fee (non-profit org.)
RDB12913 CS-UbC-hOct3/4-IRES2-Venus DNA solution

Ordering instruction of plasmids [in Japanese] [in English]

How to cite this biological resource

Materials & Methods section:

The CS-UbC-hOct3/4-IRES2-Venus was provided by the RIKEN BRC through the National BioResource Project of the MEXT, Japan (cat. RDB12913).

Reference section:

Further references such as user reports and related articles (go to bottom)


Original, user report and related articles