Resource data sheet
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pSDD-2 (pSD6-2) (#RDB08849)

Plasmid clone to express SEC12 (cyt)-DAP4 (tmd, lum)-MF(alpha)1 chimeric protein in S. cerevisiae

Alternative name 308
Clone info. Plasmid clone to express SEC12 (cyt)-DAP2 (tmd, lum)-MF(alpha)1 chimeric protein in S. cerevisiae.
Comment SEC12 (lum)-DAP2 (tmd, cyt)-MF(alpha)1 fusion (SDD) on pSQ326 (2 micron, URA3)
Vector backbone pSQ326 (Plasmid)
Selectable markers Amp
Gene/insert name S. cerevisiae DAP2 S. cerevisiae SEC12 S. cerevisiae MF(ALPHA)1
Depositor|Developer Nakano, Akihiko |
Sequence RDB08849z.seq
Remarks, protocol and/or map (pdf) RDB08849.pdf

Distribution information

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Terms and conditions for distribution Any commercial use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE requires prior written consent of the DEPOSITOR. In publishing the research results obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, a citation of the following literature designated by the DEPOSITOR is requested (J. Cell Biol. 134, 279-293, 1996).
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MTAに書く使用条件 営利機関の利用者もしくは商業利用を目的とする利用者は、事前にその旨を寄託者に届出し、また提供承諾書を取得することとする。利用者は研究成果の公表にあたって寄託者の指定する文献を引用する (J. Cell Biol. 134, 279-293, 1996)。

Catalog # Resource name Availability Shipping form Fee (non-profit org.)
RDB08849 pSDD-2 (pSD6-2) Under QC test. Please contact us. DNA solution

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How to cite this biological resource

Materials & Methods section:

The pSDD-2 (pSD6-2) was provided by the RIKEN BRC through the National BioResource Project of the MEXT, Japan (cat. RDB08849).

Reference section:

Sato, M., Sato, K., Nakano, A., Endoplasmic reticulum localization of Sec12p is achieved by two mechanisms: Rer1p-dependent retrieval that requires the transmembrane domain and Rer1p-independent retention that involves the cytoplasmic domain. J. Cell Biol. 134, 279-293 (1996). PMID 8707815. [link to RRC of NBRP]

Further references such as user reports and related articles (go to bottom)

QC test results

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Original, user report and related articles

original Sato, M., Endoplasmic reticulum localization of Sec12p is achieved by two mechanisms: Rer1p-dependent retrieval that requires the transmembrane domain and Rer1p-independent retention that involves the cytoplasmic domain. J. Cell Biol. 134, 279-293 (1996). PMID 8707815. [link to RRC of NBRP]