Resource data sheet
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pET-G9Null R212D-3a

Bacteria expression vector of human galectin-9 with a truncated linker peptide (G9Null) with an R212D mutation, tag-free protein

Catalog number RDB08453
Resource name pET-G9Null R212D-3a
Alternative name pET-G9NC(Null) R212D-3a
Clone info. Bacterial expression clone of human galectin-9 with a truncated linker peptide. R212D mutation.
Comment Expression was confirmded by the depositor by affinity purification and SDS-PAGE.
Vector backbone pET-11a (Plasmid)
Size of vector backbone 5.7 kb
Selectable markers Amp^r
Gene/insert name Human galectin-9 cDNA
Depositor|Developer Nishi, Nozomu |
Sequence (full) RDB08453hts01.seqcheck assembled from experimentally sequenced data
Test sheet RDB08453_A2Csp1-1.pdf 

Distribution information

Please check terms and conditions set forth by the depositor, which are specified in the RIKEN BRC Catalog and/or Web Catalog.
Terms and conditions for distribution The availability of the biological resource is limited to a recipient of a not-for-profit organization for a not-for-profit research.
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提供条件 本件リソースの利用は、学術機関の学術研究に限る。
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RDB08453 pET-G9Null R212D-3a DNA solution

How to cite this biological resource

Materials & Methods section:

The pET-G9Null R212D-3a was provided by the RIKEN BRC through the National BioResource Project of the MEXT, Japan (cat. RDB08453).

Reference section:

Nishi, N., Itoh, A., Fujiyama, A., Yoshida, N., Araya, S., Hirashima, M., Shoji, H., Nakamura, T., Development of highly stable galectins: truncation of the linker peptide confers protease-resistance on tandem-repeat type galectins. FEBS Lett. 579: 2058-2064 (2005). PMID 15811318. [link to RRC of NBRP]

Further references such as user reports and related articles (go to bottom)


Original, user report and related articles

original Nishi, N., Development of highly stable galectins: truncation of the linker peptide confers protease-resistance on tandem-repeat type galectins. FEBS Lett. 579: 2058-2064 (2005). PMID 15811318. [link to RRC of NBRP]
protocol Nishi, N., A note on expression and purification of recombinant galectins. Glycoforum Vol.23 (5), A15 (2020). [link to RRC of NBRP]