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W01A003N11 - GNP Human cDNA Entry Clone
(1) GNP Gateway® entry clone was constructed from the open reading frame (ORF) amplified by PCR. ORF information might be updated by now and thus actual insert could differ from the latest version.
Please note that
1. this clone may have a stop codon,
2. ORF information is same as the original clone used for PCR template,
3. clone may contain mismatches compared to the sequence of original clone because of PCR error,
4. Depositor has not confirmed the insert by sequencing analysis.
5. the information was bioinformatically annotated and that this information may not reflect the most recent annotation of the reference sequence. You should carefully check the insert sequence provided by us to make sure that it matches the sequence you expect.
Please visit a web site of the Life Technologies for datail of the Gateway® Technology:
Distribution information
Plasmid request / order forms [in Japanese] [in English]
How to cite this biological resource
Materials & Methods section:
Sequence information
Full length sequence and restriction map are not available.
Gene Engineering Division will sequence a portion of this resource and digest with restriction emzyme for verification before shipping.
Please visit Data Sheet for the information of vectors and sequence primers.
References and tips
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GNP_entry_W01A_2023Apr24.csv -