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Thermus thermophilus Plasmid List

Species Thermus thermophilus
Locus tag TTHY7004
Product putative C-P lyase subunit PhnJ/HtxI
Whole Cell Project(1,2) TTHY7004
KEGG(3) TTHY7004

Please visit Data Sheet of plasmidExpression Plasmid and plasmidDisruption Plasmid for the inforation of vectors and sequence primers.
(1) Primer sequences (for constructing this clone) provided from the depositor is indicated.
(2) The Database of the Whole-Cell Project of a Model Organism, Thermus thermophilus HB8, RIKEN Harima Institute.
(3) The Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes of the Kanehisa Laboratories in the Bioinformatics Center of Kyoto University and the Human Genome Center of the University of Tokyo.

Expression Plasmid

Item NumberPlasmid IDVector
Available from Riken BioResource Center.

Disruption Plasmid

Item NumberAntibiotics for amplification
in E. coli
Antibiotics for disruption
of T. thermophilus gene
not available  