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Thermus thermophilus Plasmid List

Species Thermus thermophilus
Locus tag TTHA1240
Product spermidine/putrescine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] | (RefSeq) spermidin
Whole Cell Project(1,2) 63023
KEGG ortholog ID ko:K11072
KEGG ttj:TTHA1240

(1) Primer sequences (for constructing this clone) provided from the depositor is indicated.
(2) The Database of the Whole-Cell Project of a Model Organism, Thermus thermophilus HB8, RIKEN Harima Institute.

Expression Plasmid

Ordering information

Catalog number Clone name Plasmid ID Vector Note
THR005355 TEx13G11 PC011240-41 pET-11a  

Disruption Plasmid

Ordering information

No corresponding plasmid

Please visit Data Sheet of Expression Plasmid and Disruption Plasmid for the information of vectors and sequence primers.


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