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Thermus thermophilus Plasmid List

Species Thermus thermophilus
Locus tag TTHA1097
Product DNA ligase (NAD+) [EC:] | (RefSeq) DNA ligase
Whole Cell Project(1,2) 62895
KEGG ortholog ID ko:K01972
KEGG ttj:TTHA1097

(1) Primer sequences (for constructing this clone) provided from the depositor is indicated.
(2) The Database of the Whole-Cell Project of a Model Organism, Thermus thermophilus HB8, RIKEN Harima Institute.

Expression Plasmid

Ordering information

No corresponding plasmid

Disruption Plasmid

Ordering information

Catalog number Clone name Plasmid ID Antibiotics for amplification
in E. coli
Antibiotics for disruption
of T. thermophilus gene
THR022571 TDs06H03 PD011097-01 ampicillin kanamycin  

Please visit Data Sheet of Expression Plasmid and Disruption Plasmid for the information of vectors and sequence primers.


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