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Thermus thermophilus Protein Expression Plasmid - TEx03H02

Catalog Number THR001370
Clone Name TEx03H02
Vector pET-11a
Plasmid ID of the Whole Cell Project PC014073-41
Description Bacterial expression plasmid clone of Thermus thermophilus HB8 TTHB073
transcriptional regulator
Depositor Kuramitsu, Seiki
Source Thermus thermophilus HB8
Locus symbol TTHB073
Synonym -
NCBI locus tag TTHB073
Protein Name transcriptional regulator
NCBI Gene ID 3169238
Other clones
KEGG gene TTHB073

  KEGG gene

  Whole Cell Project

  NCBI Gene

Distribution information

Ordering information ordering information

Terms and conditions set forth by the DEPOSITOR In publishing the research results obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, the USER is expected to cite the literature specified by the DEPOSITOR.
Catalog # Clone name Shipping form Fee (non-profit org.)
THR001370 TEx03H02 DNA solution JPY 9,460 plus cost of shipping containers, dry ice (if required) and shipping charge

This clone has been sequenced a portion and digested by restriction enzyme for verification. Results are available as below!

Seq File
(by primer A)
Seq File
(by primer B)
Seq File
(by primer C)
Seq File
(by primer D)
PDF File
TEx03H02a.seq TEx03H02b.seq     TEx03H02.pdf

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GeneID_ko_thermos_clone_190418.csv -