Gene Engineering Division >  Depositors List > 

Yusuke Seyama's Resource

Yusuke Seyama's web page in English /  in Japanese

Catalog #Name of cloneRunning titlePublication
RDB19929XPNPEP2Gateway entry vector of X-prolyl aminopeptidase 2 (XPNPEP2)Unpublished bioresource
RDB19928VAT1LGateway entry vector of vesicle amine transport 1 like (VAT1L)Unpublished bioresource
RDB19927STXBP6Gateway entry vector of syntaxin binding protein 6 (STXBP6)Unpublished bioresource
RDB19926SMIM24Gateway entry vector of small integral membrane protein 24 (SMIM24)Seyama, Y., Identification of a gene set that maintains tumorigenicity of the hepatocellular carcinoma cell line Li-7. Hum. Cell 36 (6): 2074-2086 (2024). PMID 37610679. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB19925SMIM22Gateway entry vector of small integral membrane protein 22 (SMIM22)Seyama, Y., Identification of a gene set that maintains tumorigenicity of the hepatocellular carcinoma cell line Li-7. Hum. Cell 36 (6): 2074-2086 (2024). PMID 37610679. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB19924SLC22A9Gateway entry vector of solute carrier family 22 member 9 (SLC22A9)Unpublished bioresource
RDB19923SLC17A3Gateway entry vector of solute carrier family 17 member 3 (SLC17A3)Unpublished bioresource
RDB19922SLC6A19Gateway entry vector of solute carrier family 6 member 19 (SLC6A19)Unpublished bioresource
RDB19921SCGNGateway entry vector of secretagogin, EF-hand calcium binding protein (SCGN)Seyama, Y., Identification of a gene set that maintains tumorigenicity of the hepatocellular carcinoma cell line Li-7. Hum. Cell 36 (6): 2074-2086 (2024). PMID 37610679. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB19920RALYLGateway entry vector of RALY RNA binding protein like (RALYL)Unpublished bioresource
RDB19919NDRG2Gateway entry vector of NDRG family member 2 (NDRG2)Unpublished bioresource
RDB19918NDRG1Gateway entry vector of N-myc downstream regulated 1 (NDRG1)Unpublished bioresource
RDB19917MCOLN3Gateway entry vector of mucolipin 3 (MCOLN3)Seyama, Y., Identification of a gene set that maintains tumorigenicity of the hepatocellular carcinoma cell line Li-7. Hum. Cell 36 (6): 2074-2086 (2024). PMID 37610679. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB19916LINGO1Gateway entry vector of leucine rich repeat and Ig domain containing 1 (LINGO1)Unpublished bioresource
RDB19915KCNJ16Gateway entry vector of potassium inwardly rectifying channel subfamily J member 16 (KCNJ16)Seyama, Y., Identification of a gene set that maintains tumorigenicity of the hepatocellular carcinoma cell line Li-7. Hum. Cell 36 (6): 2074-2086 (2024). PMID 37610679. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB19914IGF2Gateway entry vector of insulin like growth factor 2 (IGF2)Unpublished bioresource
RDB19913GPC3Gateway entry vector of glypican 3 (GPC3)Unpublished bioresource
RDB19912GDAGateway entry vector of guanine deaminase (GDA)Unpublished bioresource
RDB19911FGF4Gateway entry vector of fibroblast growth factor 4 (FGF4)Unpublished bioresource
RDB19910ELNGateway entry vector of elastin (ELN)Unpublished bioresource
RDB19909DPP4Gateway entry vector of dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4)Unpublished bioresource
RDB19908ASGR2Gateway entry vector of asialoglycoprotein receptor 2 (ASGR2)Unpublished bioresource

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