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Kei-ichiro Ishiguro's Resource

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Catalog #Name of cloneRunning titlePublication
RDB19264pET19b-Fbxo47-M (aa176-316)Bacterial expression vector of mouse Fbxo47 (aa174-316).Unpublished bioresource
RDB19263pET28c-Fbxo47-C (aa272-451)Bacterial expression vector of mouse Fbxo47 (aa272-451).Unpublished bioresource
RDB19177pET28C-4930432K21Rik-NBacterial expression vector of mouse Brme1(4930432K21Rik) N-terminal portion.Takemoto, K., Meiosis-Specific C19orf57/4930432K21Rik/BRME1 Modulates Localization of RAD51 and DMC1 to DSBs in Mouse Meiotic Recombination. Cell Rep. 31 (8): 107686 (2020). PMID 32460033. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB19176pET19b-HFS2BP-FullBacterial expression vector of mouse Hsf2bp (Meilb2).Takemoto, K., Meiosis-Specific C19orf57/4930432K21Rik/BRME1 Modulates Localization of RAD51 and DMC1 to DSBs in Mouse Meiotic Recombination. Cell Rep. 31 (8): 107686 (2020). PMID 32460033. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB19175pET28C-KCTD19 CBacterial expression vector of mouse KCTD19 C-terminal portion.Horisawa-Takada, Y., Meiosis-specific ZFP541 repressor complex promotes developmental progression of meiotic prophase towards completion during mouse spermatogenesis. Nat. Commun. 12 (1): 3184 (2021). PMID 34075040. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB18715STRA8-3xFLAG-HA-P2A-GFPMouse genomic STRA8 targeting vector.Ishiguro, K.I., MEIOSIN Directs the Switch from Mitosis to Meiosis in Mammalian Germ Cells. Dev. Cell 52 (4): 429-445.e10 (2020). PMID 32032549. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB18714STRA8-HisBacterial expression vector of mouse STRA8.Ishiguro, K.I., MEIOSIN Directs the Switch from Mitosis to Meiosis in Mammalian Germ Cells. Dev. Cell 52 (4): 429-445.e10 (2020). PMID 32032549. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB18713MEIOSIN-CBacterial expression vector of mouse MEIOSIN (Gm4969) C-terminal (a.a. 405-589).Ishiguro, K.I., MEIOSIN Directs the Switch from Mitosis to Meiosis in Mammalian Germ Cells. Dev. Cell 52 (4): 429-445.e10 (2020). PMID 32032549. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB18712MEIOSIN-NBacterial expression vector of mouse MEIOSIN (Gm4969) N-terminal (a.a. 1-224).Ishiguro, K.I., MEIOSIN Directs the Switch from Mitosis to Meiosis in Mammalian Germ Cells. Dev. Cell 52 (4): 429-445.e10 (2020). PMID 32032549. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]
RDB12167pCRII-mRAD21LPlasmid clone of mouse RAD21L cDNAIshiguro, K., A new meiosis-specific cohesin complex implicated in the cohesin code for homologous pairing. EMBO Rep., 12 (3): 267-275 (2011). PMID 21274006. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]

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