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Kei Fujinaga's Resource

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Catalog #Name of cloneRunning titlePublication
RDB01268p41 EcoR I-FHuman Adenovirus type 41 EcoR I DNA fragment F (E - A - D - C - B - F)Yamashita, Y., Enteric adenovirus type 41 isolates: cloning, physical maps and diversity in restriction enzyme cleavage pattern. Microbiol. Immunol., 36, 1291-1303 (1992). PMID 1337571. (original).
RDB01267p41 EcoR I-EHuman Adenovirus type 41 EcoR I DNA fragment E (E - A - D - C - B - F)Yamashita, Y., Enteric adenovirus type 41 isolates: cloning, physical maps and diversity in restriction enzyme cleavage pattern. Microbiol. Immunol., 36, 1291-1303 (1992). PMID 1337571. (original).
RDB01266p41 EcoR I-DHuman Adenovirus type 41 EcoR I DNA fragment D (E - A - D - C - B - F)Yamashita, Y., Enteric adenovirus type 41 isolates: cloning, physical maps and diversity in restriction enzyme cleavage pattern. Microbiol. Immunol., 36, 1291-1303 (1992). PMID 1337571. (original).
RDB01265p41 EcoR I-CHuman Adenovirus type 41 EcoR I DNA fragment C (E - A - D - C - B - F)Yamashita, Y., Enteric adenovirus type 41 isolates: cloning, physical maps and diversity in restriction enzyme cleavage pattern. Microbiol. Immunol., 36, 1291-1303 (1992). PMID 1337571. (original).
RDB01264p41 EcoR I-BHuman Adenovirus type 41 EcoR I DNA fragment B (E - A - D - C - B - F)Yamashita, Y., Enteric adenovirus type 41 isolates: cloning, physical maps and diversity in restriction enzyme cleavage pattern. Microbiol. Immunol., 36, 1291-1303 (1992). PMID 1337571. (original).
RDB01263p41 EcoR I-AHuman Adenovirus type 41 EcoR I DNA fragment A (E - A - D - C - B - F)Yamashita, Y., Enteric adenovirus type 41 isolates: cloning, physical maps and diversity in restriction enzyme cleavage pattern. Microbiol. Immunol., 36, 1291-1303 (1992). PMID 1337571. (original).
RDB01262p40 BamH I-FHuman Adenovirus type 40 BamH I DNA fragment F (F - D - B - E - C - A), [Japanese text] Sapporo igaku zasshi, 56 (1) (1987). (original).
RDB01260p40 BamH I-DHuman Adenovirus type 40 BamH I DNA fragment D (F - D - B - E - C - A), [Japanese text] Sapporo igaku zasshi, 56 (1) (1987). (original).
RDB01259p40 BamH I-CHuman Adenovirus type 40 BamH I DNA fragment C (F - D - B - E - C - A), [Japanese text] Sapporo igaku zasshi, 56 (1) (1987). (original).
RDB01258p40 BamH I-BHuman Adenovirus type 40 BamH I DNA fragment B (F - D - B - E - C - A), [Japanese text] Sapporo igaku zasshi, 56 (1) (1987). (original).
RDB01257p40 BamH I-AHuman Adenovirus type 40 BamH I DNA fragment A (F - D - B - E - C - A), [Japanese text] Sapporo igaku zasshi, 56 (1) (1987). (original).
RDB01256p12 Sal BHuman Ad12 major late promoter (10.8 to 48.8)Unpublished bioresource
RDB01255p12 RIE 4Human adenovirus type 12 DNA fragment, p12 EcoR I-E-4Yano, S., Analysis of DNA from adenovirus 12-transformed cells for virus-specific DNA sequence with viral DNA fragments cleaved with restriction endonuclease. Gan 68, 107-114 (1977). PMID 863170. (original).
RDB01254p12 RID3Human adenovirus type 12 DNA fragment, p12 EcoR I-D-3Yano, S., Analysis of DNA from adenovirus 12-transformed cells for virus-specific DNA sequence with viral DNA fragments cleaved with restriction endonuclease. Gan 68, 107-114 (1977). PMID 863170. (original).
RDB01253p12 RIC 2Human adenovirus type 12 DNA fragment, p12 EcoR I-C-2Yano, S., Analysis of DNA from adenovirus 12-transformed cells for virus-specific DNA sequence with viral DNA fragments cleaved with restriction endonuclease. Gan 68, 107-114 (1977). PMID 863170. (original).
RDB01252p12 RIB 2Human adenovirus type 12 DNA fragment, p12 EcoR I-B-2Yano, S., Analysis of DNA from adenovirus 12-transformed cells for virus-specific DNA sequence with viral DNA fragments cleaved with restriction endonuclease. Gan 68, 107-114 (1977). PMID 863170. (original).
RDB01249p12 G3Human adenovirus type 12 DNA fragment, p12 Hind III- G- 3Shiroki, K., Incomplete transformation of rat cells by a small fragment of adenovirus 12 DNA. Virology, 95, 127-136 (1979). PMID 442537. (original).
RDB01248p12 AccHHuman adenovirus type 12 DNA fragment, p12H, p12E1ASawada, Y., Cooperation of exogenous oncogenes in cell culture. Recent Progresss of Life Science Technology in Japan. Eds. Y. Ikawa and A.Wada, pp.109-108, Academic Press, Tokyo, (1989). (original).

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