Gene Engineering Division > Depositors List >
Hajime Takata's web page in English / in Japanese.
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(by Reseachmap[link])
Catalog # | Name of clone | Running title | Publication |
RDB01180 | pB55 | Human HLA - B52 cDNA | Takata, H., Cloning and analysis of HLA class I cDNA encoding a new HLA-C specificity Cx52. Immunogenetics, 28, 265-270 (1988). PMID 2843461. (original). |
RDB01179 | pC68 | Human HLA - Cx52 (Cw12) cDNA | Takata, H., Cloning and analysis of HLA class I cDNA encoding a new HLA-C specificity Cx52. Immunogenetics, 28, 265-270 (1988). PMID 2843461. (original). |
RDB01178 | AM2.60 | Human HLA - B44 genomic DNA | Zemmour, J., HLA class I nucleotide sequences, 1991. Tissue Antigens, 37, 174-180 (1991). PMID 1926127. (reference). |
RDB01177 | pAC201 | Human HLA - Cx52 (Cw12) genomic, p201-31 | Ando, H., Identification of alloantisera reacting with HLA-C blank (Cx52) using a mouse L-cell transfected with the HLA-Cw*1201 allele. Hum. Immunol., 36, 76-80 (1993). PMID 8463124. (original). |
RDB01176 | pA01 | Human HLA-A24 cDNA | Takata, H., Cloning and analysis of HLA class I cDNA encoding a new HLA-C specificity Cx52. Immunogenetics, 28, 265-270 (1988). PMID 2843461. (original). |
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