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Hiroshi Okamoto's Resource

Hiroshi Okamoto's web page in English /  in Japanese.

Learn more about their research, in English  /  in Japanese (by Reseachmap[link])

Catalog #Name of cloneRunning titlePublication
RDB01221Human reg geneHuman pancreatic stone protein / pancreatic thread protein genomic DNAWatanabe, T., Complete nucleotide sequence of human reg gene and its expression in normal and tumoral tissues. The reg protein, pancreatic stone protein, and pancreatic thread protein are one and the same product of the gene. J. Biol. Chem., 265, 7432-7439 (1990). PMID 2332435. (original).
RDB01220Human reg cDNAHuman reg cDNATerazono, K., A novel gene activated in regenerating islets. J. Biol. Chem., 263, 2111-2114 (1988). PMID 2963000. (original).
RDB01219Rat reg cDNARat rig cDNATerazono, K., A novel gene activated in regenerating islets. J. Biol. Chem., 263, 2111-2114 (1988). PMID 2963000. (original).
RDB01218Rat peptide C-terminal alpha-amidating enzyme cDNARat peptidylglycine alpha-hydroxylase / peptidylamidoglycolate lyase cDNAKato, I., Two enzymes concerned in peptide hormone alpha-amidation are synthesized from a single mRNA. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 172, 197-203 (1990). PMID 1699535. (original).
RDB01217Rat rig/ribosomal protein S15 cDNARat ribosornal protein S15 cDNATakasawa, S., Novel gene activated in rat insulinomas. Diabetes, 35, 1178-1180 (1986). PMID 3019805. (original).
RDB01215Rat prepropancreatic polypeptide cDNARat pancreatic polypeptide cDNAYamamoto, H, Mosaic evolution of prepropancreatic polypeptide. J. Biol. Chem., 261, 6156-6159 (1986). PMID 3009446. (original).
RDB01214pVIP rat-BRat vasoactive intestional peptide / pHI- 27 cDNANishizawa, M., Nucleotide sequence divergence and functional constraint in VIP precursor mRNA evolution between human and rat. FEBS Lett., 183, 55-59 (1985). PMID 3838518. (original). [link to RRC of NBRP]

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