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RIKEN DNA Bank S. pombe Gene Resource - och1

Gene ID (NCBI) 2543147
Gene Symbol och1
Synonyms -
Protein Name alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase Och1
PomBase(1) (link) SPAC1006.05c
KEGG(2) (link) SPAC1006.05c
S. pombe Postgenome Database(3) (link) 17/C05


List of S. pombe Postgenome Database Clone

Ordering information ordering information
Catalog number Clone Name Vector
SPW006853 SpENT17C05 Entry vector
SPW046853 SpFFH17C05 FFH vector(4)
SPW086853 SpYFH17C05 YFH vector(5)


(1) The PomBase, funded by the Wellcome Trust and is run by a consortium comprising the University of Cambridge, the European Bioinformatics Institute and University College London.

(2) The Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes of the Kanehisa Laboratories in the Bioinformatics Center of Kyoto University and the Human Genome Center of the University of Tokyo.

(3) The S. pombe Postgenome Database of the Chemical Geneitcs Laboratory, RIKEN. Primer sequences for constructing an entry clone and known sequence variation are available at this site.

(4) FLAG2-His6-tag clone.

(5) YFP-FLAG-His6-tag clone.
