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RIKEN DNA Bank Human Resource - TIPARP

Gene ID NCBI Gene 25976 |  KEGG hsa:25976
Gene Symbol TIPARP
Protein Name TCDD inducible poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase
Synonyms ARTD14|PARP7|pART14


Ortholog resource in our bank


External database

human TIPARP

Individualy Deposited Resource

Catalog number Name of Resource Description CDS comparison
Refered (NCBI mRNA) CDS status(1)
RDB14328 pFastBac1-GST-hTIPARP(H532A) Baculovirus expression vector of GST tagged human TIPARP, H532A mutant.    
RDB14327 pFastBac1-GST-hTIPARP(WT) Baculovirus expression vector of GST tagged human TIPARP, wild type.    
RDB14326 pCAG-YFP-hTIPARP Expression vector of YFP tagged human TIPARP, wild type.    
RDB14325 pIRM21-3HA-C-hTIPARP Expression vector of HA tagged human TIPARP, deletion mutant of 1-236 AA.    
RDB14324 pIRM21-3HA-N-hTIPARP Expression vector of HA tagged human TIPARP, deletion mutant of C3H1-type zinc finger, WWE domain and catalytic domain (237-657 AA).    
RDB14323 pIRM21-3HA-hTIPARP(WT) Expression vector of HA tagged human TIPARP wild type.    

(1) CDS status was determined by comparing the plasmid sequence with NCBI RefSeq mRNA.


Genome Network Project (GNP) Human cDNA Clone

Plasmid request [in Japanese] [in English]

Catalog number Clone name Vector Sequence submitted (DDBJ)(1) CDS comparison
Refered (NCBI mRNA) CDS status(2)
HGY036357 IRAK090O21 pBluescript BC050350 NM_015508 Full/var
HGY028807 IRAK072A07 pBluescriptR BC033324 NM_015508

(1) Actual nucleotide sequence of this clone submitted to the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ)/EMBL/Genbank.
(2) CDS status was determined by comparing the plasmid sequence with NCBI RefSeq mRNA.
♦ Full, whole CDS.
♦ Full/var, whole CDS though with ins/dels or substitution.
♦ Partial, partial CDS
♦ Partial/var, partial CDS though with ins/dels or substitution.



Homo_sapiens_gene_info230514.csv - RDB_hum_GIxxxxxxxxx_html_240727.pl