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RIKEN DNA Bank Human Resource - MYD88

Gene ID NCBI Gene 4615 |  KEGG hsa:4615
Gene Symbol MYD88
Protein Name MYD88 innate immune signal transduction adaptor
Synonyms IMD68|MYD88D|WM1
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Ortholog resource in our bank


External database

human MYD88

Individualy Deposited Resource

Catalog number Name of Resource Description CDS comparison
Refered (NCBI mRNA) CDS status(1)
RDB04662 pAxCALNLhMYD88(forward) Shuttle vector to generate rAd expressing human MYD88    
RDB04654 pAxCALNLhMYD88(reverse) Shuttle vector to generate rAd expressing human MYD88    

(1) CDS status was determined by comparing the plasmid sequence with NCBI RefSeq mRNA.


NRCD Human cDNA Clone

Plasmid request [in Japanese] [in English]

Catalog number Clone name Vector CDS comparison Status
Refered mRNA(1) CDS status
5'-terminal sequence(2)
HKR072007 ARe80A07 pKA1U5 NM_002468.4 VA done
HKR167308 ARi18E12 pGCAP10 NM_002468.4 done
HKR452956 RBdS132G12 pGCAP10 NM_002468.4 done

♦ Full length sequence is not available. The clone could differ from the NCBI mRNA reference sequence.
♦ These clones have very long transcript since they were constructed by the method "Vector Capping."
(1) Refference sequence either NCBI mRNA or DDBJ DNA identified by the 5' terminal sequence.
(2) 5' terminal sequence of the insert provided from the depositor.



Homo_sapiens_gene_info230514.csv - RDB_hum_GIxxxxxxxxx_html_240727.pl