Chinese hamster genomic BAC library clone.
Catalog number | RDB13444 |
Resource name | Chinese hamster genomic BAC library clone |
Clone info. | Chinese hamster genomic BAC library clone. |
Comment | Individual clones are provided. |
Vector backbone | pBAC-Lac (BAC) |
Selectable markers | Cm^r |
Growth remarks | It is recommended that colonies be isolated and cultured on an appropriate agar plate before performing your experiments. |
Gene/insert name | Chinese hamster genomic DNA |
Depositor|Developer | Omasa, Takeshi | |
Remarks, protocol and/or map (pdf) | RDB13444z.pdf |
Please check terms and conditions set forth by the depositor, which are specified in the RIKEN BRC Catalog and/or Web Catalog.
Terms and conditions for distribution | A prior written permission of the approver is necessary for any kind of use including academic use and for-profit use. In publishing the research results obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, a citation of the following literatures designated by the DEPOSITOR (Biotechnol. Bioeng., 104: 986-994, 2009 and Biotechnol. Bioeng., 109: 1357-1367, 2012) and an acknowledgment to the DEPOSITOR are requested. |
Ordering | Order form [Credit Card Payment] [Bank Transfer Payment] MTA, for use for not-for-profit academic purpose [Word] MTA, for use for for-profit purpose [Word] Approval form by depositor [Word] |
Remarks | ((Additional form)) Approval Form(FormD) It is recommended that colonies be isolated and cultured on an appropriate agar plate before performing your experiments. Please obtain written approval of the depositor. |
提供条件 | 営利目的か非営利目的かを問わず、いかなる使用についても、承諾者から承諾を得ることが必要である。利用者は、研究成果の公表にあたって寄託者の指定する文献 (Biotechnol. Bioeng., 104: 986-994, 2009 and Biotechnol. Bioeng., 109: 1357-1367, 2012) を引用し、謝辞の表明を必要とする。 |
提供依頼 | 提供依頼書 [Word] 提供同意書 (MTA, 非営利学術目的用)[Word] 提供同意書 (MTA, 営利目的用)[Word] 寄託者による提供承諾書 [Word] 遺伝子組換え生物の受入れ確認書が必要です。当室にご請求ください。 |
備考 | 【追加提供依頼書】承諾書(FormD), 受入れ確認書(書式J) 実験を行う前に、適切な寒天プレート上でコロニーを単離し、培養することを推奨します。 組換え体提供にかかる書式が必要です。 寄託者の書面による提供承諾が必要です。 |
Original, user report and related articles
original | Cao, Y., Construction of BAC-based physical map and analysis of chromosome rearrangement in Chinese hamster ovary cell lines. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 109 (6): 1357-1367 (2012). PMID 22012683. [link to RRC of NBRP] |
original | Omasa, T., Bacterial artificial chromosome library for genome-wide analysis of Chinese hamster ovary cells. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 104 (5): 986-994 (2009). PMID 19575438. [link to RRC of NBRP] |
protocol | Cao, Y., Fluorescence in situ hybridization using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones for the analysis of chromosome rearrangement in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Methods 56 (3): 418-423 (2012). PMID 22100493. |
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