Resource data sheet
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Promoter collection, Human TNFRSF11B promoter

Catalog number RDB07533
Resource name pGL4-phTNFRSF11B
Alternative name U2880-7
Clone info. PCR amplified human TNFRSF11B promoter sequence was inserted into a firefly luciferase vector. Cloned fragment: 118953586 to 118952112(NC_000008.11); relatively -1701 to -226, where +1 corresponds to 1 nt of NM_002546.4.
Comment PCR cloning, forward primer: AGATGAGGCTCAGGGAGACG; reverse primer: GTGTCTGGCCCCTGGGAGA. Entire sequence of promoter region has not been confirmed.
Vector backbone pGL4.10 [Luc2] (Plasmid)
Selectable markers Amp^r
Gene/insert name Human tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 11b genomic DNA
Depositor|Developer DNA Bank, |
Other clones in our bank

External Database
Human tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 11b

          Reference sequence
          Remarks, protocol and/or map (pdf) RDB07533.pdf

          Distribution information

          Please check terms and conditions set forth by the depositor, which are specified in the RIKEN BRC Catalog and/or Web Catalog.
          Terms and conditions for distribution In publishing the research results to be obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, an acknowledgment to the DEPOSITOR is requested.
          Additional terms and conditions:
          The use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE is restricted to the academic researches conducted by non-profit organization. By using this material, the RECIPIENT agrees to be bound by the conditions of the limited use statement of the Promega Corporation.
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          Catalog # Resource name Availability Shipping form Fee (non-profit org.)
          RDB07533 pGL4-phTNFRSF11B Under QC test. Please contact us. DNA solution

          check Please wait for results of QC test to be uploaded. This clone will be sequenced a portion for examination.

          How to cite this biological resource

          Materials & Methods section:

          The pGL4-phTNFRSF11B was provided by the RIKEN BRC through the National BioResource Project of the MEXT, Japan (cat. RDB07533).

          Reference section:

          Further references such as user reports and related articles (go to bottom)


          Featured content

          Featured content Promoter Collection (Firefly Luciferase) (English text)

          QC test results

          check Please wait for results of QC test to be uploaded. This clone will be sequenced a portion for examination.


          Original, user report and related articles
