DNA Bank Top | 
KEGG Orthology K22653
Orthology Name NPTN
Definition neuroplastin


External dsatabase

in KEGG orthology

Human NPTN - neuroplastin (GP55|GP65|SDFR1|SDR1|np55|np65)
Mouse Nptn - neuroplastin (SDR-1|Sdfr1)

Individualy Deposited Resource

Catalog number Name of Resource Description CDS comparison
Refered (NCBI mRNA) CDS status(1)
RDB18969 pCX4-hNPTN-c-HA (398) Retroviral expression vector of human NPTN.    
RDB18968 pCX4-hNPTN-c-HA (282) Retroviral expression vector of human NPTN.    
RDB18964 pCX4-mNPTN-c-HA (397) Retroviral expression vector of mouse Nptn.    
RDB18963 pCX4-mNPTN-c-HA (281) Retroviral expression vector of mouse Nptn.    

(1) CDS status was determined by comparing the plasmid sequence with NCBI RefSeq mRNA.



KoDic_RDB_170622.tsv - GNP_filter_Kxxxxx_html_241002-4.pl