DNA Bank Top | 
KEGG Orthology K10779
Orthology Name ATRX
Definition transcriptional regulator ATRX [EC:]


External dsatabase

in KEGG orthology

Human ATRX - ATRX chromatin remodeler (JMS|MRX52|RAD54|RAD54L|XH2|XNP|ZNF-HX)
Mouse Atrx - ATRX, chromatin remodeler (4833408C14Rik|ATR2|DXHXS6677E|HP1-BP38|Hp1bp2|Hp1bp38|MRXS3|RAD54L|Rad54|XH2|Xnp|ZNF-HX)

Individualy Deposited Resource

Catalog number Name of Resource Description CDS comparison
Refered (NCBI mRNA) CDS status(1)
RDB03834 SEREX clone NGO-St-061 (ID 312, 313) #1 SEREX clone NGO-St-061 (ID 312, 313) #1    

(1) CDS status was determined by comparing the plasmid sequence with NCBI RefSeq mRNA.


Common marmoset cDNA Clone MMTD

Catalog number Name of Resource Description
MMTD01719 MMTD01719 Plasmid clone of common marmoset ATRX chromatin remodeler for in situ hybridization probe.



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