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KEGG Orthology K09952
Orthology Name csn1, cas9
Definition CRISPR-associated endonuclease Csn1 [EC:3.1.-.-]
Featured content CRISPR-Cas system


External dsatabase

in KEGG orthology

Individualy Deposited Resource

Catalog number Name of Resource Description CDS comparison
Refered (NCBI mRNA) CDS status(1)
RDB19323 pX330-AAVS1-sgRNA Expression vector for hCas9 and guideRNA of human AAVS1 locus.    
RDB19319 pX330-syn-crRNA-TS-sgRNA Expression vector of Cas9 and guide RNA in order to excise the targeting cassette cloned in the pCriMGET_v1 vector (RDB19318).    
RDB19291 AxCBNC9 Recombinant adenovirus expressing spCas9 nickase under the control of CB promoter.    
RDB19290 AxCBCas9 Recombinant adenovirus expressing spCas9 under the control of CB promoter.    
RDB16763 pGedit Plasmid vector for high efficiency genome editing oligo DNA containing target sequence.    
RDB16005 px330-Dmd-R Expression vector of sgRNA for right-target of mouse Dmd with hSpCas9.    
RDB16004 px330-Dmd-L Expression vector of sgRNA for left-target of mouse Dmd with hSpCas9.    
RDB14658 T7-NLS-hCAS9-NLS-P2A-mCherry-pA Cas9-poly(A) with mCherry to visualize Cas9 positive cells.    
RDB14657 T7-NLS-hCAS9-NLS-P2A-EGFP-pA Cas9-poly(A) with GFP to visualize Cas9 positive cells.    
RDB14604 T7-3xFLAG-NLS-hCAS9-Cdt1-NLS-pA Cas9-poly(A) expressing improved plasmid.    
RDB14602 T7-3xFLAG-NLS-hCAS9-NLS-pA Cas9-poly(A) expressing improved plasmid.    
RDB14423 pT7-hCas9-mC-polyA Cas9-poly(A) expressing improved plasmid.    
RDB14421 T7-NLS-hCAS9(D10A_ver1.1)-NLS-pA Cas9-poly(A) nickase with enhanced specificity.    
RDB14420 T7-NLS-hCAS9(ver1.1)-NLS-pA Cas9-poly(A) with enhanced specificity.    
RDB14419 T7-NLS-hCAS9(D10A)-NLS-pA Cas9-poly(A) nickase expressing plasmid.    
RDB14413 px330-mC-Tyr-R Expression vector of sgRNA for right-target of mouse Tyr with hSpCas9-Cdt1(mouse) fusion protein.    
RDB14412 px330-mC-tyr-L Expression vector of sgRNA for left-target of mouse Tyr with hSpCas9-Cdt1(mouse) fusion protein.    
RDB14411 px330-Tyr-R Expression vector of sgRNA for right-target of mouse Tyr with hSpCas9.    
RDB14410 px330-Tyr-L Expression vector of sgRNA for left-target of mouse Tyr with hSpCas9.    
RDB14406 px330-mC Expression vector of sgRNA with hSpCas9-Cdt1(mouse) fusion protein.    
RDB13917 AAVS1 T2 CRISPR in pX330 A CRISPR/Cas plasmid for making DNA dounle-strand break at the human AAVS1 locus.    
RDB13130 T7-NLS hCas9-pA Cas9-poly(A) expressing improved plasmid.    
RDB12999 pSPCiEF1>Cas9 Expression plasmid of Cas9    
RDB12994 pHTB Cas9 In vitro production of Cas9 mRNA.    

(1) CDS status was determined by comparing the plasmid sequence with NCBI RefSeq mRNA.


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