DNA Bank Top | 
KEGG Orthology K09370
Orthology Name ISL1
Definition insulin gene enhancer protein ISL-1


External dsatabase

in KEGG orthology

Human ISL1 - ISL LIM homeobox 1 (ISLET1|Isl-1)
Mouse Isl1 - ISL1 transcription factor, LIM/homeodomain (-)

Individualy Deposited Resource

Catalog number Name of Resource Description CDS comparison
Refered (NCBI mRNA) CDS status(1)
RDB18671 pX330 gIsl1 Cas9/guideRNA expression vector for cutting ISL1 gene.    
RDB18669 pCRTK2x2-ISL1TEBl Donor vector for knocking-in of tdTomato reporter to ISL1 gene.    
RDB15476 AdEFLIsl1L-4FVF Recombinant adenovirus expressing human Isl1 cDNA, EF1 promoter.    

(1) CDS status was determined by comparing the plasmid sequence with NCBI RefSeq mRNA.


Common marmoset cDNA Clone MMTD

Catalog number Name of Resource Description
MMTD00401 MMTD00401 Plasmid clone of common marmoset ISL LIM homeobox 1 for in situ hybridization probe.



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