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KEGG Orthology K04398
Orthology Name CASP8
Definition caspase 8 [EC:]
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External dsatabase

in KEGG orthology

Human CASP8 - caspase 8 (ALPS2B|CAP4|Casp-8|FLICE|MACH|MCH5)
Mouse Casp8 - caspase 8 (CASP-8|FLICE|MACH|Mch5)

Individualy Deposited Resource

Catalog number Name of Resource Description CDS comparison
Refered (NCBI mRNA) CDS status(1)
RDB08091 CFW87-C06 (Stickleback caspase-8) Expression vector of Gasterosteus aculeatus cDNA    
RDB08089 MUS17-H18 (Mussel caspase-8) Plasmid clone of Mytilus californianus caspase-8 cDNA    
RDB08088 MUW12-D02 (Mussel caspase-8-like) Plasmid vector of Mytilus californianus capase-8-like protein cDNA    
RDB08084 CBAZ6079 (Tubifex caspase-8) Expression vector of Tubifex tubifex caspase-8 cDNA    
RDB08081 MPMGp1174L1811Q (Paracentrotus lividus caspase-8) Plasmid clone of Paracentrotus lividus caspase-8 cDNA    
RDB08079 mtlv019a23 (Molgula tectiformis caspase-8) Plasmid clone of Molgula tectiformis caspase-8 cDNA, Gateway entry clone    
RDB08074 pME18S-zCasp8 (Zebrafish caspase-8) Expression vector of zebrafish caspase-8 cDNA    
RDB08071 pmmCasp8 (Mouse caspase-8) Plasmid clone of mouse caspase-8 cDNA    
RDB04661 pAxCALNLhCASP8(forward) Shuttle vector to generate rAd expressing human CASP8    
RDB04652 pAxCALNLhCASP8(reverse) Shuttle vector to generate rAd expressing human CASP8    
RDB01993 pAxCALNLhFLICE Shuttle vector to generate rAd Human caspase 8 expression    
RDB01992 AxCALNLhFLICE Recombinant adenovirus expressing human caspase 8 regulated by CAG promoter    

(1) CDS status was determined by comparing the plasmid sequence with NCBI RefSeq mRNA.


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