Catalog Number | JGD13862 |
Source strain | JCM 9886 [link] |
Present DNA Lot | |
Remarks | PRJDB3678 |
Terms and conditions | The RECIPIENT agrees to expressly describe the acknowledgement of the RIKEN BRC as the source of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE in any publication. |
Ordering |
Please visit Ordering instruction.[link] Order form [Credit Card Payment] [Bank Transfer Payment] Material Transfer Agreement (MTA, for use for not-for-profit academic purpose)[Word] Material Transfer Agreement (MTA, for use for for-profit purpose)[Word] Please put "Terms and conditions" to the Clause 4 of the MTA. |
提供条件 | 本件リソースを使用して研究成果を発表する場合、理研BRCから提供されたことを明示する。 |
提供依頼 |
手続きの詳細は、「BRC-JCM保有株由来ゲノムDNA」をご覧ください。 提供依頼書 [Word] 提供同意書 (非営利学術目的用)[Word] 提供同意書 (営利目的用)[Word] MTAの第4項目には「提供条件」を転記してください。 |
Catalog # | Resource name | Shipping form | Fee |
JGD13862 | Genomic DNA of Tausonia pullulans JCM 9886 | DNA | JPY 19,910 (not-for-profit academic purpose) JPY 39,820 (for-profit-research purpose) plus cost of shipping containers, dry ice (if required) and shipping charge |
Materials & Methods section:
The Genomic DNA of Tausonia pullulans JCM 9886 was provided by the RIKEN BRC through the National BioResource Project of the MEXT, Japan (cat. JGD13862). |
Microbe Genomic DNA Information [link]
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