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IRAK029J05 - GNP Human cDNA Clone

Catalog number HGX011821
Clone name IRAK029J05
Clone info. Plasmid clone of human ARHGAP27 cDNA with CMV promoter (source: Skin, squamous cell carcinoma)
Vector(1) pCMV-SPORT6

Additional license fee is required for Invitrogen Gateway® Expression Clone (pCMV SPORT6 and related) to the regular price. Click here for more information.

Sequence, submitted(2) BC029634 [link]
CDS status(3) Partial CDS as NM_199282 with frame shift.
Gene symbol and ID ARHGAP27 (NCBI Gene 201176)  other clone of ARHGAP27 in our bank
Synonyms CAMGAP1|PP905|SH3D20|SH3P20
Protein name Rho GTPase activating protein 27


  NCBI Gene

  NCBI RefSeq

(1) Please refer Vector Information and Library Method Overviews at MGC.
(2) Actual nucleotide sequence of this clone submitted to the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ).
(3) CDS status was determined by comparing the clone's sequence with NCBI RefSeq mRNA.

Please note that the information was bioinformatically annotated and that this information may not reflect the most recent annotation of the reference sequence. You should carefully check the insert sequence deposited to the DDBJ/EMBL/Genbank and/or provided by us to make sure that it matches the sequence you expect.

Distribution information

Plasmid request / order forms [in Japanese] [in English]

Catalog # Clone name Shipping form Fee (non-profit org.)
HGX011821 IRAK029J05 DNA solution

Sequence information

Restriction map is not available.

Gene Engineering Division will sequence a portion of this resource and digest with restriction emzyme for verification before shipping.

References and tips

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